Chapter Two

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Cress couldn't bring herself to tear her eyes away from the window of the cockpit. Vast blue oceans lay before them, bordering the flourishing land of the United Kingdom. She could see cities lighting up as sunset approached. It was like seeing this from her satellite, except it was even more breathtaking up close.

Thorne glanced over at her, his hands gripping the steering wheel. "So, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful," she replied, more to herself than him. "Everything's so much bigger and more detailed than it was from my satellite. What are those birds?" She pointed to two graceful figures dipping and then rising against the wind, feathers ruffled.

Thorne laughed. "Don't tell me you've never seen seagulls before."

Cress glared at him. "I was pretty much the only living thing in my dungeon up in space, Captain."

"Ah, finally you start calling me Captain again. I was missing that." He leaned over and grabbed her hand, squeezing it. The touch made her jump and she finally turned from the window. "Look. We're approaching the capital, London."

Cress saw a group of people gathering around the landing pad next to a large, elaborate building; Queen Camilla's palace, she guessed.

The queen herself was wrapped up in a silk scarf, attempting to smooth her hair as the Rampion lowered and the area around it became windy.

Thorne carefully maneuvered the ship until they heard a thud. "Bet Scarlet couldn't have landed more perfectly than that," he said triumphantly. They both got up as the ramp lowered.

Cress gasped at all the lit up buildings surrounding her, with the view of the brilliant fiery sunset dipping into the edge of the ocean.

"Carswell Thorne, Crescent, you've finally brought my antidotes." Queen Camilla gave each of them a swift hug.

"That's Captain to you, Your Highness," Thorne winked at her in the most disarming manner, only causing her to shake her head.

"Just the same old Carswell as I remember. Please, come inside and stay the night before delivering the antidote to the other countries," Queen Camilla gestured for two guards to start unloading the crates. "Thank you for coming to the United Kingdom first. More people have caught letumosis in the past weeks than usual, and I am extremely worried about them right now."

"Not a problem. It was our pleasure." Thorne draped his arms around Cress's shoulders and guided her towards the palace. "Would you like to go sight seeing later? I heard London has the best tea around here."

Cress's heart swelled with happiness. She took Thorne's arm and held it. "I would like that very much. But not for too long. We have to leave at seven thirty tomorrow morning."

Thorne brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it, leaving her skin tingly and warm. "Whatever you want, Cress."


Cress sank into the fluffy, soft bed, exhausted. She and Thorne walked all over town, stopping to try every little delicacy that appealed to their appetite. They made sure to take pictures and send them to all their friends: Scarlet and Wolf in France, Cinder, Kai, and Winter and Jacin, who were at the moment on an ambassador visit to Canada. They toured Big Ben, the clock tower, which chimed so loudly it could be heard all across the city.

When Cress's legs seemed as if they could no longer hold their own, Thorne carried her to a bench in front of a fountain where they talked and laughed and drank warm tea in little cups. Cress had never felt so happy in her life. Without realizing, though, she had fallen asleep on his shoulder, and woke up when Thorne went in her room to put her in bed.

Before he left, Cress sleepily grabbed his hand and mumbled, "That was so much fun, Captain. Thank you." He smiled, kissed her goodnight, and went next door to his own room. Cress's eyes finally felt too heavy to keep open, and she fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning, she was woken up by a gentle shaking of her shoulders.

"Cress?" Thorne asked softly. "It's time to wake up. We have to leave in an hour, remember? Like you said?"

Cress grumbled and rolled over, not bothering to open her eyes. "Five more minutes." Before she knew it, she was being pulled up and leaning against Thorne.

"Maybe we shouldn't have stayed that late," Cress yawned. "But it was worth it."

"Come on, get dressed and come eat breakfast. There's like five different types of tea, and they all look amazing." Thorne carefully stood Cress up, and led her to the bathroom. "Care for any assistance?"

Cress blinked her eyes open and squinted at him. "I'm very capable of dressing myself, thank you."

"Alright. Holler if you need me. Which you do, obviously."

Scowling at him, she went into the bathroom and washed herself up, then changing into fresh clothes, before joining Thorne outside.

He offered his elbow to her, which she accepted. They made their way down the hall next to the gardens, which were almost as picturesque as Kai's palace garden back in New Beijing.

After passing what seemed like hundreds of different halls and room, they finally found the dining room. The crisp white tablecloth had two sets of plates and silverware, and many bowls held different luscious-looking foods.

As they sat down, Thorne asked, "Are you ready to see my home country next? The American Republic?"

Cress buttered her toast and smiled at him. "Yes. I can't wait."

Queen Camilla glided in, looking as regal as ever. "How was London? Met your expectations?"

"To be honest, Your Highness," Cress said, "it was better than anything I'd ever imagine."

"Of course, my darling. London's the most exquisite city in the world. I'm glad you chose it as your first stay."

Cress glanced at Thorne, hiding her laugh.

She downed her cup of cooled tea and stood up. "Thank you, my queen, for allowing us to stay at your palace overnight."

"It was my pleasure."

Thorne got up and linked arms with Cress. "We'd better get going. President Vargas doesn't like to be kept waiting."

He winked at Cress and they left. "How was your first adventure?"

"Earth is so much more interesting up close, I've got to say. Viewing it from thousands of miles away isn't as great."

"I can only imagine. Being a damsel in distress does have its cons."

Cress smacked him lightly on his arm. "You did a hasty job at trying to rescue me."

"Sybil was using her glamour on me, sorry. How was I supposed to know?"

Cress giggled. "I'm kidding, Thorne. I'm pretty sure Sybil would've killed me for helping you two out. So thanks for rescuing me just in time."

Thorne kissed her head. "Anything for you."

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