Chapter Seven

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"Wow, it's...shiny?" Cress studied the plaque attached to the awning.


They all stared at the now-empty shelves, still covered with grease stains, but with the absence of whatever tools and parts and pieces Cinder stored. The table that she used as her booth was folded up and put away in the back.

"I remember when I first saw her to fix my android, Nainsi. She accidentally hit her head on the table when she came up to see who I was," Kai said, chuckling. "She was so surprised to see me."

"I wonder why, O Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth."

"Thorne." Cress jabbed her elbow into his ribs, and he flinched away.

"Ow! Was that really necessary?" Thorne complained, rubbing his side.

"Where is everyone, anyways?" Cress glanced around, seeing no one except a couple of sellers who gave Kai a bow as he walked past. "I don't see any screaming mobs of girls trying to break through your guards to carry you away."

Kai shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe Thorne scared them away with his so-called charm. Not that I'm complaining."

Thorne's eyebrows shot up. "You sure about that? Perhaps it's because they know the emperor already has a girlfriend, so what's the point anyways? I mean, she's only the queen of Luna."

Kai pinched his nose bridge and let out a slow breath. "You've got to be kidding me."

Cress stared daggers at Thorne until he recoiled. "Or..maybe because it's getting late?"

"Sounds more logical."

Kai gave Cress grateful smile. "I wonder why you only listen to Cress. I mean, you never listened to anyone else. How interesting," he said to Thorne.

Thorne snorted and turned away, walking to the square's center. "Maybe because what she has to say is actually worthwhile to listen to."

Kai glanced at Cress. "Don't ask me why he listens to me. It kind of shocks me too," she said. They both laughed and followed Thorne. Cress received curious glances her way from the shopkeepers, but they looked away as Kai passed them by too.

"Pretty sure he's in love with you, though," Kai suddenly said.

Cress flickered her gaze from Kai to Thorne, who was looking at flowers in a booth, and turned back to the emperor. "Hm?"

"I mean, he's usually such a narcissist and thinks he's so great, but around you...I don't know. When he looks at you, or talks about you, he softens ups. He seems more humble than usual. Not to mention, he takes back what he says if you don't approve. It's kind of funny, actually."

Cress lowered her eyes, staring at her boots walking along the pavement. Was it true? She knew Thorne loved her, but he never said he was in love with her. Apparently those were two different things. But if Kai said it, then he must mean it. Cress realized his words made sense. Thorne was so caring and gentle with her, always making sure she was happy, when usually he was sarcastic and arrogant around others.

She was about to reply when Thorne suddenly rounded the corner with a bouquet of colorful flowers. She gaped at him as he strode up to them with a smug smile plastered on his face, handing her the flowers. "For you, Madam Crescent."

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