Chapter Four

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Ding. The portscreen lit up as a new message arrived. Ding. Ding.

Cress grabbed the tablet and swiped the screen to receive the messages.

"Who is it?" Thorne asked groggily next to her.

Hey! How's it going with distributing the antidotes? It was Cinder.

Cress quickly typed back, It's going well. We've already gone to the United Kingdom and the American Republic. We're on our way to the the European Federation right now.

To Scarlet, she sent a another message saying that they were about to arrive in Paris.

She rubbed her eyes and climbed out of bed, going to the window. "I think we're here. I see a tall building that have curved legs."

Thorne joined her. "I believe that's the Eiffel Tower."

Once again, Cress could already see people milling around, waiting for the Rampion to land.

Prime Minister Bromstad approached Thorne and Cress as they stepped off the ramp, shaking hands with both of them. "Welcome, Captain Thorne and Cress! Good to see you two again. Thank you for distributing the antidotes as soon as possible. The European Federation appreciates it."
He then gestured to two people standing in the distance. "And your friends have come from Rieux to see you."

Cress could have recognized the flaming red hair anywhere.

"Scarlet!" she yelled, and soon Scarlet and Wolf had joined them.

The redhead looked the same as usual, only a lot happier and missing her pinky finger.

Thorne held his own fingerless hand up and carefully high fived Scarlet. "Missing fingers club reunited! Well, minus Cinder." He then proceeded to sock Wolf in the arm, though it seemed to have no effect on him.

Cress raised her eyebrows. "Really, Thorne?" He laughed.

"So, you guys came all the way from Rieux to come see us? How thoughtful of you two. Farm life must be getting boring. And with Valentine's Day coming up, too!" Thorne remarked, smirking.

"I invited them. Duh," Cress said.

"Actually, it's doing great, but thanks for asking. Wolf seems to be getting along with the farm animals, although," Scarlet gestured at Wolf, "his appetite is certainly demanding."

Wolf's ears turned pink."I accidentally finished a month's worth of tomatoes. Can't blame me though; Scarlet's tomatoes are the best."

"Come, come, stay a week at our place. We've been waiting for you since you've sent those amazing pictures to us." Scarlet started off towards the Rampion once the crates were all unloaded.

"Uh, where do you think you're going?" Thorne hurried after her. "What are you doing?"

"Thorne, I don't think-" Cress began.

"What does it look like? I'm going to fly the Rampion back to Rieux."

"Why does nobody regard the Captain part of my name? Hello! There's a captain right here, ready to fly his own ship that he worked hard to earn!"

"I'm pretty sure you've mentioned a couple times that you've stolen the ship. Good try, though."

Cress glanced at Wolf, who shrugged. "She's missed being able to fly a pod ship. She thinks she's losing her touch."

Cress grinned at Thorne trying to convince Scarlet to let him fly the ship, but to no avail. Once she had her mind set to something, she wouldn't budge. "Can't say we didn't warn him."

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