Chapter Ten

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"This should be plenty for Australia."
Cress tucked the antidote paper into the nearest crate. She and Thorne were about to head to the largest island in the Pacific Ocean. She was ecstatic.

Thorne rubbed his neck. "As unfortunate as it is, I don't think I'll be able to bring my favorite leather jacket. It's too hot over there."

Cinder grabbed the jacket from where it was draped across the chair and held it up. "I'm sure Iko would be more than happy to take care of it for you."

"You should've bought some summer clothes in France when I told you to!" Though it had been mid-winter at the time, Cress had bought some new clothes for warmer weather, and she couldn't wait to wear them.

"But I was hoping I could keep wearing my leather jacket," he whined.

She shrugged. "If you want to die from overheating, then by all means, go ahead and bring it."

Thorne huffed and snatched the jacket from Cinder. "Iko better make sure it stays spotless."

"She's in the main hall, probably flirting with Kinney. Again." Cinder rolled her eyes. "Yet she claims they have no feelings for each other whatsoever."

Thorne's eyes lit up. "Perfect time to interrupt." He ran off, jacket flailing behind him, leaving Cinder and Cress behind.

Cinder pursed her lips. "I guess I had better stop him before it's too late. But have fun in Australia!" She hugged Cress, smiling at her, then she, too, was gone.

Cress walked over to the cockpit, her eye catching on the rose she had picked out. It lay there on her seat, neglected and nearly wilted.

She rushed over to the galley and filled up a glass with water, then ran back to the rose and placed it in the water. There was a square of sunlight on the flat area of the controls, so she placed the glass there.

"Please, please don't die," Cress whispered, as if those words would miraculously make the rose flourish again.

Exhaling slowly, she collapsed in her chair. How hard could it be to keep a plant alive?

"Ready to go, Cress?" Cress stiffened as she felt Thorne ruffle her hair.

"Yeah, let's go."

"These take-offs better be smooth. Cinder looked over the ship and did whatever mechanic stuff she had to. You should have seen the embarrassment on Iko and Kinney's face when I walked in on them talking together." He glanced at Cress, following her gaze to the limp rose.

She buried her head in her hands, shoulders hunched. "I tried to keep it alive." Sniffling, she peered at him through her fingers. "I'm sorry."

To her astonishment, he started laughing. "Oh, Cress. Are you really that upset about a dead plant?"

She wiped her eyes and met his. "I can't even keep a stupid plant alive. Isn't that a bad thing?"

Thorne shook his head. "No, it's not. It's just a flower. I'm just a little upset that it made you cry."

"I'm so sensitive though. Doesn't that annoy you at all?"

Thorne placed his hands over Cress's. "Cress, nothing you do would ever be annoying. Well, except for when you managed to convince me to leave my leather jacket with Iko. You're very persuasive sometimes."

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