Chapter Eight

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"Have you improved at all with your take-offs, Captain?"

"They would be better if we had a certain mechanic here." Thorne's hands flew over the control buttons as he prepared the Rampion for flight.

Cress leaned back into her chair, twirling around a rose from the bouquet Thorne had bought her. It was flawless, the prettiest flower in the whole bunch, light pink on the outer edges followed by a deeper ombré inside, with all the petals perfectly in place.

"Hm, maybe I should've bought a whole bouquet of roses instead."

Cress shook her head. "No, they're all beautiful, but this one stood out to me for some reason. Anyways, we'll ask Cinder to take a look at the ship so it takes off more smoothly."

She waved goodbye at the window where Kai could see her, and he raised his hand in farewell.

The Rampion trembled under her feet, then slowly hovered above the ground, rocking slightly. Once it was high enough, it started to speed up away from the palace until it was nothing more than a gleam in the distance. "Yep, we really need Cinder to check the ship."

"Gee, thanks Cress." Thorne tilted the ship upwards and it slowly gained altitude until they were facing the faint outline of the moon. "Set destination to the Artemisian Palace, Luna."

In a monotone voice, the ship's system replied, "Destination is set to Artemisian Palace, Luna. Estimated arrival time is 19:38 p.m."

Thorne grabbed a deck of cards from the counter and held it up. "Mind teaching me how to win in the meantime?"

Cress took the cards from him and got up to set them down on an overturned crate against the far wall. "You really think you could be a pro like me? I've had years of practice, Captain."

He threw his hands up in surrender. "No need to get cocky. Just show me how you do it so at least I'd have a chance. "

"Look who's calling me cocky," Cress retorted. "And no, you're chances would still be quite slim."

"Please?" Thorne widened his eyes and pouted.

It was the most ridiculous look he's given her. Cress burst out laughing, trying to cover her mouth and holding her sides. "Are you-" she said between breaths, "are you really going to try that on me?"

"Depends. Is it working?"

Cress finally caught her breath and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Yes, it's working. Now get over here."


A few rules and hours later, they were both engrossed in their game of cards. Cress smirked at him and showed him her cards. "Two spades. I win."

Thorne cursed under his breath and rubbed his forehead, standing up. "You distracted me. It's not fair."

Cress quirked an eyebrow at him and winded her arms around his back. "Nope. You're just naturally bad at it."

"If I had more time to learn, you wouldn't-"

Cress silenced him with a kiss, which he returned. "Don't get jealous, Captain. Maybe someday you'll have your time to shine."

He sighed in defeat. "I guess today's not that day."

"Arriving at Artemisian Palace, Luna. Underground landing area detected." They both jumped at the robotic voice speaking from above them. 

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