Chapter Five

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A couple days later, the four of them stood in Scarlet's hangar, where the Rampion rested.

"It was so nice to see you two again!" Scarlet wrapped her arms around Cress and squeezed her. "I'm going to miss you a lot. Tell Kai we said hi, and if you go back to Luna, tell Cinder to come visit us soon."

"Will do, firework." Thorne enveloped her in his arms, smirking when he released her.

Scarlet punched his arm. "Where'd you get that nickname? Jacin called me that back at the menagerie."

"Let's just say he's mentioned it a couple times." Thorne rested his hand on Cress's shoulder, just like he did when she was guiding him across the desert while he was blind. "We'll let the macho emperor know what you said."

"I'm sure you will," Scarlet replied. Wolf gave Thorne and Cress a bear hug before releasing them. "Come back to Rieux when you're done with the antidotes."

Cress smiled. "Maybe we'll even bring the whole crew."

"As if. I heard Winter keeps dragging Jacin everywhere, never staying in one place for very long; good luck finding them." Scarlet shook her head. "Just as crazy as ever."

They all said their final goodbyes, and soon Cress and her captain were soaring into the blue sky aboard the Rampion.

She had so much more fun touring the country with Scarlet and Wolf, who received curious stares, being a wolf-human hybrid in public, but he ignored them. The redhead, though, shot back a steel gaze until the passerby scurried away.

Cress had always wished she had Scarlet's confidence since they met. Nothing seemed to scare the headstrong girl; she always spoke her mind and could deal with the repercussions without breaking down. Next to Cinder, Scarlet was just as determined and brave. Cress got nervous whenever someone stared at her, always thinking they knew she was a Lunar shell. But then they turned away and Cress would feel bad for thinking that way.

For Cress's Valentine's Day surprise that Thorne had promised her, the four of them had went all the way to the top of the Eiffel Tower, which she had first spotted before they landed. They snacked on sliced baguettes with herb cream cheese as they watched the sunset. Wolf even brought his own bag of sliced tomatoes. Thorne gave Cress a box of chocolates and a red rose.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Cress. I hope you loved your gift!"

She gave him a hug, her smile full of delight.

Cress could see every little window in the city, along with exquisite restaurants and buildings dating all the way back to the second era, long before the Fourth World War occurred. She leaned against the rail with a wool blanket covering her legs, her head on Thorne's chest. The wind chapped her hands and lips as she joked and shared nostalgic adventures on the Rampion.

Wolf was intrigued about their story of walking through a blistering hot desert, with Cress having to lead a blind Thorne.

"Must've been annoying, huh? Thorne probably kept running his mouth the whole time."

"I'm pretty sure that was when Cress fell in love with my charismatic personality."

Scarlet snorted. "Along with your big ego?"

Cress laughed. "That, too. Won me over almost immediately."

"Doesn't take me much to win a girl over. I'm quite charming, if you haven't noticed."

They all laughed, teasing Thorne, and afterwards Wolf handed out flasks of hot coffee, which warmed Cress's insides. She watched the lights twinkle as bright as the stars above them, and the bustle of the streets below. Paris seemed to come alive at night.

Thorne wrapped her arms around her and pulled her closer, pressing her against his side. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

"Absolutely breathtaking. It's so busy at night."

He settled his chin atop her hair. "I'm really glad you're happy with everything so far, Cress. I'm also glad I got to explore and discover new places with you."

"I wish this day would never end."


Cress was startled awake by a tap on her shoulder. She blinked a couple times to clear her vision, and found herself looking into sky-blue eyes.

"Morning, darlin'. You've been asleep awhile."

She yawned and stretched her back, popping it. "Since when did you call me darling?"

"Since I've realized that you are."

Blood rushed to her face, and she swatted Thorne on the arm. "I feel like you're only calling me that because I'm short."

"And that too."

"How flattering." Disgruntled, Cress got up and headed to the galley. Sunshine streamed through the skylight, washing everything in a warm yellow filter. She grabbed a leftover baguette loaf, sliced two pieces, and slathered both with cream cheese that Scarlet had gifted them.

"One for me?" Thorne had followed her and was now leaning against the doorway.

"If you were awake before me, why didn't you make one yourself?"

"I was busy piloting the ship, like a great captain should, while you were asleep in the passenger's seat."

"My bad." She handed a slice to him, and sat on top of the counter, munching on hers. Thorne came up next to her, leaning inwards. Cress didn't realize what he was doing until his lips pressed against hers and his hands found her waist. Sparks flew in her head and her heart felt like it was going to explode. He picked her up and whirled her around, carrying her back to the cockpit.

"Did I ever tell you how you are almost becoming as charming as me?" he murmured against her lips.

Cress pulled away, breathing heavily, though she still locked her gaze with Thorne's. She couldn't help but smile. "Is that a bad thing?"

"Couldn't ask for anything better."

"You could've at least let me finished my bread first." Cress found it hard to be annoyed at him. "I'd expect you to be a bit more chivalrous."

"I tried."

She shifted her body comfortably on the seat, finishing off her bread. Chewing, she pointed to something gleaming in the distance. "Is that Kai's palace?"

Thorne let out a collective groan. "Yes, can't wait to see His Highness in his fancy clothing ordering people around."

"Someone sounds jealous."

"Me? Jealous?" Thorne asked incredulously. "If anything, Kai should be jealous of me, traveling the world freely with my favorite person by my side."

"Mmhm, and that was only possible because he persuaded President Vargas to grant you amnesty for your crimes."

"Oh yeah, that too."

"Getting forgetful now, are we?" Cress stifled her laugh as Thorne turned around, feigning hurt.

"Sorry that my mind's too busy thinking of you."

Cress and Thorne kept jabbing back and forth until they landed at Kai's palace.

They saw the emperor waiting outside to greet them. "Of course he's wearing that ridiculous outfit. Doesn't he have anything else to wear?"

Cress grabbed his hand and pulled him up. "Let's just go, Captain."

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