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There's absolutely no point in explaining how I came to be standing before them as their king. I thought to myself as I slowly tried to gain the courage to tell my story and win the hearts of the kingdom my parents left to keep my siblings and I safe,

"As I am sure most of you know my name is Gabriel Archerwood of the elves of Quiversmith descendant of Lauren and Kenneth Archerwood. I know the past 15 years have come with pain and sacrifice, but now that I have returned every we've lost in that time can and will be returned to you. If you don't believe me that this is try or possible, it is the very fact that I stand here before you is a testament to that fact. Although I feel that I've mad it clear to myself that it's redundant of me to tell you all my story, I also feel that it's necessary for my sake as well as yours. So let's begin at the start of this mess, when we were all younger and had different priorities. When I was a young boy with a dream that changed everything . . ."

I'm running through a dense forest searching for something, no someone, someone very important to me.It's a girl,

'Of course it would be a girl I'd risk my life for,'I thought sarcastically as a mighty roar ripped through the clearing.

'Where is she? That girl has to be around here somewhere. I have to find her before the beast.'

I thought to myself as I turn to see a hulking form above me. I let it take me. I had no fight left within me not after I saw that the beast had already shred the girl to pieces. All was left of her was a bloody heap of bones on the ground.

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