Chapter 13

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Will brought me around the back of the hut,where there were four rock piles placed in a semicircle.

"There's something you need to know about Amy." Will whispered as he stalked his way towards one of the pillars.Will's hands started to glow as he moved them as suddenly as the water that shot from the peaks of the other three pillars,and formed a screen with the water that had appeared.

A memory.I realized as the picture cleared to show my mother and Will in a dark corridor..."We must not let anyone learn of this,it will tear apart the kingdom."my mother finished with a sense of finality before will spoke up,"My queen what is the problem many of our kind are born without magic and many are born late bloomers,surely-""no Will! Your sister has Magic yes but her magic is as powerful as mine,maybe even slightly more .Her magic holds the answer to our problems,your sister may very well be the key to destroying the Draguenfalyn. As hard as it is to admit you need to know that i'm sorry,for the only way to unlock her power is to kill her."...

As the scene faded and water dispersed,Will turned back to me with his deathly quiet nature and said, "Gabriel I only want Amy to be happy,but I don't want her with you and the only way to do that is to make sure she stays with someone who dampens her magic.Not someone who strengthens it by forcing her on hopeless quests."

Then the blink of an eye he vanished,so sky opened up and it started to rain.


In the morning,the rain had gone and both Amy and Will had returned.I watched Amy as we continued our journey to the Falaquenrage wondering where she could've possibly gone.

As if somehow sensing my stare,she looked up at me then at her brother, "Stop..."

She'd said barely above the sounds of our trek,"I said stop!"she yelled,but to whom one knew so everything stopped and I do mean literally everything had stopped in place and not a sound was heard.

Will and the guys looked to me and I shrugged to them, "What Amy?I know your upset,but we don't have time for your mystic elven crap!Ok?"I explained carefully

"Look just tell us what is  you want." This time it was Liam who spoke up and no one else had deigned to speak up,so unfazed by all of this Amy decide to.

"I just don't want to lie to Gabriel anymore,"she stated turning to face me,"Gabriel in order to get your cure for your sister you'll have to pass a test using your magic since the grove was sealed with your mother's magic and in order to do that you'll have to learn to control it."she said simply with that infuriating smirk.

"Will,"Nathan said quietly,"We don't have time for this,and we're not even supposed to be here.We took an oath to follow you,but we didn't sign up for this."

I'm guessing that since none of the other guys have really had anything to add to this that this Nathan guy must have been the designated spokesperson  thought to myself.

"Nathan...Liam...Chris?" Will yelled half-heartedly,"I didn't ask you all to be here because I can force you to.I asked you to help because I trust guys you're my friends,yet not even that you're my brothers and I need ,we need,for you to stay."

When he was done one by one everyone looked at Will,and just as we were going to give up Chris was the one who answered with a resounding reply of,"I'm in.Whatever you need Will,i'm with you."

The other guys all nodded in agreement and together they all set about making camp

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