Chapter 14

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Over the course of the last few hours camp with set up and we had caught a few minutes of rest before I was awoken by a blast cold air. I opened my eyes to see Nathan's feel lifeless like form standing over me.

"Glad you're awake," he said in a tasteless fashion, "Get ready we leave in one minute."

And as quickly as he'd appeared he disappeared. Well wasn't he a nice guy? I thought humorlessly as I got dressed to be comfortable. As I finish getting ready Nathan reappeared in my room... And scared the crap out of me

"Once you learn the skills you need to control this elemental magic my entrances and exits won't surprise you as much." He stated,

"Well when have I ever let on that I was surprised, if I was I mean?" I replied snarling

"You didn't have to. You practically released every thought you have to be air."He retaliated with a sly grin before continuing,

"Come on we have quite the walk ahead and you need to master this magic by tomorrow at the latest."

Tomorrow? He's kidding right? I asked myself as we walked on into the mountains.


As we trekked up the mountain Nathan explained the element of air and everything associated with it. So far I've learned that I should be able to: hear people's thoughts, cover myself with air shields, and practically become invisible and soundless to those around me. First we start with invisibility and sound mostly because it's the easiest.

"Concentrate all you have to do is think about what you want the air around you to do," Nathan explains as I try to clear my mind.

Okay all I have to do is will the air to do my bidding...sounds totally easy. I think to myself as nothing happens.

"You can't command the air you have to ask."
"Well what's that supposed to mean I ask frustrated with Nathan.
"It means you have to feel as the air and guide it into what you want." Nathan replied.

"Come stand here and close your eyes," he continued as I walked over,

"Now relax and think about how the wind feels coursing through your hair on a hot summer day or how how unforgivingly cold it is during the winter."

Nathan commands me to do this with so much depth and passion I feel compelled to cooperate. I close my eyes and imagine the scenes he's painted in my mind then I think about becoming invisible and when I open my eyes to look at myself, and I see it didn't work. I turn to Nathan

"It did work." He says with a small smile full of pride.

Now that I understand how to access the power I imagine myself walking soundlessly as I move from where I stood and materialize.

Nathan turns to face me and says,"Nice job! Now let's see what we can do about your thoughts and we can head back to camp."


After I was able to successfully multitask with all of my abilities we he's back to camp to find everyone else getting ready for dinner. Will looks up to see us approaching and calls to Nathan,

"How did it go? Will you need another day?"

"No," Nathan replies "He learns faster than we expected and should be fine as long as he practices before the time comes."

"Well then," Will says redirecting his attention to me,"I guess that means you'll be able to start your next training session tomorrow."

"Well who's next in line because I just can't wait to see who's up next." I ask him sarcastically

"Me." He says, "The next element is water." He finished replying with a grin that would give even the Cheshire Cat a good run for his money.

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