Chapter 6

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My mind replayed what Cameron just said, trying to make sense of it. Was James really worried? Did he actually care if I was upset? "So you came out here just because your boss told you to?" I asked my anger evident in my voice. Cameron sighed and walked towards me, giving me a look of pity. I hate pity and I did not need it from a guy I thought I was in love with about 30 minutes ago! I gave Cameron a warning glare then looked back at James. "No, I was going to check on you anyways. Cameron just told me to do it when I was already about to follow you." James said giving me a pleading look. I sighed closing my eyes, rubbing my forehead trying to think straight.

" Really? When did you start caring about Vick? You usually don't even talk to her." Cameron said putting his hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off and turned away from them both. "Well, Cameron that actually is none of your damn business, is it?" I said my voice a low growl. Both of the vampires took a step away from me, feeling my anger simmering inside of me. I held on the the railing, closing my eyes and breathing in deeply. I needed to stay calm and talk this out. "Cameron are you trying to fucking ruin my birthday? I mean first you make me hang out with your slut-faced crush, then you bring said slut-faced crush to my birthday party and now you interrupted a damn amazing moment! Are you trying to fucking make me hate you? If you are you are doing a damn fine job at it!" I said throwing arms up in anger.

I turned toward him giving him a death glare, he looked dejected. I rolled my eyes and looked at James, giving him a softer look. I felt how much he did care when we kissed and I didn't want to be mad at him, he didn't deserve my wrath like Cameron did. "James, I think that Cameron and I need to talk. So could you please give us a few minutes alone?" I asked looking into his amazing green eyes. He sighed and nodded turning to leave, before he got to far from my reach I pulled his arm and gave him a chaste kiss on the lips. He smiled at me, causing me to blush at my thoughtless action. "I'll be waiting." he whispered in my ear and walked back into the busy party.

I smiled to myself then turned back to face my ex best friend. The smile that James had put on my face slide away as I look at Cameron. "Vicky I didn't know that you didn't like Jessica. I thought you were fine with..." I cut him off. "If you were actually a better friend you would have noticed that she barely talked to me and when she would she acted as though I was some lowly mutt that wasn't worth her time. Even though in our food chain she's nothing but a lowly leech. You would have also noticed how fucking miserable I was when I would go to the docks with you. And how I would leave by myself after maybe fifteen minutes of sitting alone being ignored." I said seething. "Vicky I- I just thought you were fine with hanging at the docks. You never complained about going or about anyone there." Cameron said running his fingers through his hair nervously.

I laughed bitterly at his words, "Oh like you would even listened if I complained and you had your mind so wrapped around Jessica, you never noticed me and how I felt! Did you know that I thought I was in love with you?" I said the word love like it was acid on my tongue. I laughed humorlessly at the thought. His jaw almost hit the ground at my statement. I rolled my eyes at his reaction. " Wow you really didn't know did you? How dumb are you? Everyone except you knew!" I said shaking my head in disbelief. "I- I  never thought... Really? When?.. How?.." He couldn't seem to be able to comprehend this simple fact.

I started to laugh at his stupefied expression. "Vicky stop laughing this isn't funny." Cameron said looking at me like I was in the wrong. " Like hell it isn't! You are so dim when it comes to anybody but yourself. I'm so glad I figured out my feeling weren't even that deep for you. It took a good few years for me to realize that I don't deserve to be second best compared to some slut-faced leech! I am the Lycan Princess and I don't have to put up with a dim witted guy like you." I felt so much power in letting out all my distaste towards him. He didn't deserve my feeling nor my friendship, he wasn't worth being angry over either. "Cameron you just aren't worth it. Never have been, never will be." I said as I turned and walked away from him, with a genuine smile on my lips.

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