Chapter 12

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As we walked towards his house I admired his confident stride in front of me, my eyes eating up the sight. Okay so I was not looking at him as friend I will admit, but as long as I just look and restrain myself from touching him. I would be fine, right? I muffled a laugh with my hand, who was I kidding. I was screwed, to put it simply. My hormones and my brain did not seem to agree on how I decided to handle this whole situation. I shook my head trying to shake away the thoughts and asked, "so, I don't want to seem intrusive but can I ask what you and your father were discussing when you came home earlier. I am being nosy aren't I? Sorry." James stopped in front of me and turned to face me, "Don't ever feel afraid to ask me something. I will always try to answer your questions if I can." I looked down to my feet and shyly nodded in understanding, the feeling of being too inquisitive still lingered but I pushed it back. "My father and I were discussing my position in the guard. I will be starting next week and I will be very busy for a while. We might not be able to spend much time together during this time, since I will be adjusting to my new position." I looked up at his face for a moment, disappointment gripped me and my stomach felt like it was sinking. "I totally understand. Congrats are in order I suppose." My voice sounded small and tinged with sadness even to my own ears.

James sighed and used his index finger to tilt my chin so that I was looking at him, my heart hummed at the feeling of his touch. "Don't worry, I will find time to spend with you. No matter how busy I get with my new position I will always have time for you. I have spent a long time waiting for this chance with you and I am not letting it get away." A small smile tugged at my lips at this, "For how long exactly?" I asked my voice slightly teasing. He chuckled and let his hand drop from my chin, "let's just say a while," he said turning back towards the mansion and started walking again. "I am a very persistent person, James. I will find out eventually you know." I said as we entered the mansion through the patio doors and towards the herb garden. "I'm looking forward to your persistence then," he said his voice clearly sounded amused.

I rolled my eyes and smiled when we finally arrived in the herb garden to see Clara and Sebastian playing cards. Clara was gloating as Sabastian was shaking his head with an amused look on his face. "Ha! I won again!" Clara said placing her card hand on the table. "Being a sore winner again, mom?" James asked chuckling at his mother's antics. "Oh shush! I am not a sore winner! Is that lip gloss on your lips?" Clara said her faux glare turning into a full blown smirk. James not so subtly wiped his sleeve of his of his shirt against his lips. Opps, I had forgotten about my cherry lip gloss. I rolled my lips suppressing a laugh at James's action and the pink tint of his cheeks. "Uhm-uh. No mom it wasn't. What are you and dad playing?" James tried to divert the subject to a less embarrassing one. Sebastian chuckled at his son's discomfort, "You sure son? I could have sworn the princess had been wearing lip gloss earlier." Sabastian teased not letting his son escape the topic so easily. "I agree with your father, she did now it's not as glossy."

I bit my bottom lip in discomfort, looking down at my hands. "Mom. Dad. Stop it, you are embarrassing Victoria and making her uncomfortable." James said his tone was serious, my eyes flickered to look at him when I felt him softly take my hand in his squeezing it gently. I gave him a grateful smile and returned the gesture, "thanks," I muttered under my breath to him. "Oh, you know we were just picking on you two don't be so serious sweetie." Clara chided with a playful tone. "Sorry, princess. We were only trying to embarrass our son." Sebastian said giving me an apologetic smile. I nodded, "its fine," I replied moving to sit at the table. James did the same sitting in the chair next to me. I gave him a reassuring smile that I was fine. "So what would you like to play?" Clara asked shuffling the cards skillfully. "I haven't played cards in a while, so I might need pointers, but what about slap jack?" I said this playing with the hem of my dress.

Clara nodded in agreement with a kind smile, "okay well it pretty simple game, each of get a hand of cards and you keep them facing down. Each of us takes turns placing a card down placed up and when you see the jack you slap it. Whoever has their hands on it first gets the stack. The person with the most cards wins." I nodded in understanding as she dealt out the cards evenly to us. We started playing and I managed to get two stacks, it was fun and we were all laughing and joking. Clara being very apparently competitive ultimately won, which did not bother me one bit since it was pretty amusing to see her gloating. We played a few other games such as Rummy and War, the sun was going to rise soon and I sighed when Jonah's presence behind me told me it was time to leave.

I looked to James and gave him a sad smile, "I have to leave. My dad wants me home before the sun rises, and according to Jonah that will be soon." I told him. James nodded in understanding, "of course, would you mind if I call on you soon?" My lips split into a grin, "of course not silly. You can also just call me on the phone, they exist for that reason you know." I teased, though I was completely serious. I at least wanted to talk to him, if we could not spend time together in person. He nodded and a small smile graced his lips showcasing a tiny glint of his fangs, "I would like to call you, then." I nodded grinning, forgetting about his parents as I stared at his smile. I found myself wanting to touch his fangs again, but shook the thought away when Sebastian cleared his throat.

My attention switched away from James to his parents and my face felt as though it was glowing red. "We enjoyed having you. I hope you will come over again soon, dear." Clara said with a big smile, she looked down right ecstatic at James and I's conversation. Sebastian nodded at his wife's statement with an amused look, "Yes, you are always welcome here, princess. Though James will be busy, I don't doubt that my wife would enjoy your company anytime." I nodded and gave them both grateful smiles, "I would love to come and spend time you Clara." Clara happily clapped her hands and I swear she squealed a little. Sebastian chuckled and I stifled a laugh at her reaction, I look at James to find his eyes soft with and emotion I could not decipher. My heart sped up at this and my breath caught in my throat, "I-I should be going now." I stuttered out as I stood up, making the chair legs scrap across the concrete floor. I quickly shielded my ears against the sound, "sorry!" I muttered out more for Jonah than anyone else.

Jonah placed his hand lightly on my shoulder silently telling me that it was okay, I gave a small nod in understanding. James and his parents stood up each telling me goodbye, "I will walk you to the front door, Victoria." James said placing his hand lightly on my lower back causing a feeling of excitement to jolt through me. Our eyes collided and I mutely nodded then let him guide me to the front door. We stared at each other for what felt like a long time, before my attention was stole by Jonah clearing his throat. I blinked rapidly trying to gain focus again, "until next time," I said my voice faint. James nodded, taking my hand and place his lips lightly against it. I shivered at the contact slowly taking my hand back as I stared at him in awe. "I will being calling soon," he said simply before turning me towards the door, which was open. I blinked again but this time in surprise as I was ushered out and into the awaiting car by James's gentle hands.

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