Chapter Ten

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Hunter and I get home from our hair adventures at like seven. I still couldn't believe I talked him into at least dying his hair an extreme color.

God, I cannot wait for the guys to see this.

"So. What are we doing on our fabulous night to ourself while our friends get drunk and probably impregnate or become pregnant?" I ask Hunter while we walk to the front door.

"For one, I'm 90% sure they all have vaginas so and for two, it's a surprise. Go get all dolled up and meet me on the roof when you're done." He says and turns around.

I watch him walk away, a bit puzzled, and then run upstairs to get ready for whatever the hell he has planned... and since its him, of all people, it could literally be anything.

I decide to go for a simple yet cute look? I take out my black lace dress and a pair of red heels. God, I hope we're not walking much. Heels are a bitch.

For makeup, I do a smokey eye with eyeliner that could cut a hoe and I leave my hair in its natural curly waves. God knows that is the only thing natural about it.

I take a quick look at myself in the mirror and sigh. Why can't I be at least the slightest bit attractive...

I walk out and start walking to the back yard to climb up the tree. Climbing a tree in heels, smart yeah?

Once I finally got on the roof after almost dying a countless number of times, I notice Hunter sitting on the edge of the roof. He looked at peace and peace is something Hunter isn't exactly best friends with. He's always so worried about his dad coming back and hurting his mom and honestly, it worries me too.

He stands up and turns around. He looks in my direction and all he does is stare.

"Is there something wrong?" I ask, getting more self conscious than I already was.

"Ken, you're gorgeous." He states, walking up to me and pulling me towards him to kiss me. I stop him.

"Nuh uh, I have lipstick on. You can kiss me later." I say, kissing his cheek lightly.

"You meany." He whines and I laugh.

"I'll take that as a compliment. Anyway, where are we going."

"That, my darling, is a surprise."

"You know I hate surprises." I whine.

"Payback at its finest." He says, a smirk playing across his lips. I punch his arm and head down the tree. He follows and takes my hand.

We walk out to his truck and we start driving, obviously. We were in the truck for about fifteen minutes before he pulled into this cute little park.

There was a little picnic set up by the swings. There was a small little gas lamp in the middle of the blanket, along with a picnic basket and flowers. I could've sworn this was taken from a story book.

"How the fuck did you pull this off?" I question, walking towards the blanket.

"Well, Rider helped. Since he's known you so long I asked what you'd like and he helped set this up." He said, looking very pleased with himself. I smile and sit down. He follows suit.

"I've never been on one of these." I say, opening up the basket.

"I know, you told me. Yet another reason I needed to make this spectacular."

I smile again and start looking through the basket. He packed Cheez-It's, cookies, two bottles of Ice Lemonade, and sandwiches. It's basically what I live off of.

"Classy." I say

"Very." He says while laughing.

We talk and eat food for what seems like forever. Sounds like a cliche, I know, but it's true. At one point he grabs my arms, which I'm not wearing any bracelets on for once, and he pulls me up and drags me onto the play structure.

"Let's go down the slide!" He says in a tone that sounds way more excited than it should be for our age group. I laugh at him.

He sits me on his lap and we go down the swirly slide that seems to be at every park.

Once we get to the bottom, I jump on his back and he walks us back to the blanket. When we sit down, I'm on top of him.

"Why are you so beautiful?" He questions.

"I'm not." I say and look down and start picking at my painted black nails. He grabs my hands and makes me look up at him.

"But you are, my darling." He says and pulls me forward into a kiss.

"Shit, I forgot about your lipstick." He says, pulling back a bit.

"Screw the damn lipstick." I say and push him down. At this point, I'm straddling him and neither of us are complaining one bit.

We do this for awhile. He moves his hands down my back and I move mine up to his hair. I love his hair, even more now because it looks like a fucking unicorn on crack.

He continues to move his hands down until he starts working them back up underneath my dress. He stops at my thighs and I flinch and pull back.

"Kennedy, what are these?" He asks, pulling my dress up to reveal thousands of white marks across my thighs.

"They're things from my past..." I trail off as he grabs my wrists and finds the same marks hidden under my tattoos. "I'm three years clean." I say.

"A beautiful girl should not have these marks and I swear on my life I will hurt whoever made you feel like you deserved these." He kisses the ones along my wrists.

Okay, definitely not the reaction I was expecting.

"I'm sorry for ruining this." I say with a sad smile.

"You didn't ruin it, you were the best part." He says, kissing me. A breeze picks up and I start to shake.

"Let's go home and we can pick things up from there where you won't freeze to death. Can't have you dying any time soon." I laugh at his words and we get up.

"Aren't we going to clean up?"

"Nope, that's what Rider is for."

"You have a point." I say and walk to his car. We get in and we start to drive home. He pulls me over next to him, his truck doesn't have a center compartment, and I smile.

I think I've finally found someone I can trust, but I can't get to comfortable yet.

We get home and we walk up to my room. I get undressed and put on my dark purple and black flannel. He takes off his shirt and we lay in bed. I lean over and turn on the tv.

He kisses the top of my head and soon, without my realization, we're both fast asleep.

Unfortunately, we are awoken to Jade staring right at us.

Goddammit... so much for this secret.


Holy shit has this taken me too long to write.

You see, I suffer from this thing called procrastination and I hate it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. If not, feel free to yell at me. I know I suck. It's okay.

Don't forget to comment, vote, and all that shit. Or do. Whichever you please.

Much love,

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2016 ⏰

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