Chapter Four

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"Where the fuck are we going?" Jade asks for the umpteenth time.

"Hunter's place." I finally reply.


"I honestly have no clue."

"Well that's reassuring." I throw my phone at her.

"Read the text then. I swear, I know nothing." She reads through the texts.

"Well..." Jade starts then trails off.


"Maybe he's out of Fruit Loops and wants them but his mom won't give him the car?" Jade suggests.

"Fruit Loops?"

"Would you rather of had me say condoms?"

"Fruit Loops work just fine."

"That's what I thought." Jade mutters as we turn down his street.

I drive to his house and stop the car. As soon as Jade and I step out of the car we hear screams. Well this should be fun.

"So, uh, seems like a nice neighborhood..." Jade says in a bit of a higher pitch.


I text Hunter letting him know we're standing outside and that we hear screaming. He replied telling us go to the back of the house and stay hidden. He also said to wait for a window to open and a duffel bag fall down. So, we did.

Jade had to take off her heels in order to sneak around. We hid by a bush and waited.

"I feel like we are on NCIS of something." Jade comments.

"If that's what you wanna call it then sure." We hear another blood curling scream. We also see a window open. Before anything falls out of the window, I see an older, taller man and a woman fighting. The woman is Hunter's mom but who's the man? The man smacks the woman and she falls and only a few moments later, we see a duffel bag drop out from the window.

A cute little brunette haired girl climbs out the window, tears rushing down her face. She see's me and I wave her over. She seems hesitant at first but she comes, carrying the duffel bag.

"Are you Kennedy and Jade?" She asks in a small voice, hurrying to wipe her stray tears away from her hazel eyes.

"Yea, who are you?" Jade questions putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"I'm Rebecca Jones, Hunter's little sister." She states sniffling.

"Well Hun, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly is going on in there?" I point my head towards the direction of the house.

"My Dad came here, drunk and with a gun. He started yelling at my Mom. That's when Hunter came home. My Dad hit him and knocked him down but Hunter still managed to pick me up from the corner and carry me into his room. He locked the door and started packing. He then texted you to come and get me. Hunter and I've been listening to them fight for the past hour. He had to sneak out and grab his bag filled with his stuff and I'm scared." She says all in one breath.

"As soon as Hunter comes out, we will leave. You'll stay with us for a while, okay?" I tell her with a reassuring smile.

"Anywhere is better than here." Rebecca says. We sit there and watch the window. There are a few more screams and then we see Hunter running towards us.

"We need to go. Now." He says firmly. He picks up the duffel bag. I grab Rebecca's hand and we run. We get to the car in a hurry. Rebecca and Jade climb in but a voice stops Hunter and myself from getting in.

"Well Hunter, aren't you going to introduce me to our pretty lady friend?" His dad says, slurring his words.

"And why would I tell you that?" Hunter growls while pushing me behind him. And now I'm glad that he's taller than me.

"BECAUSE I AM YOUR GODDAMN FATHER!" He screams and takes out his gun only to shoot a bullet at the car but misses. Too drunk to see correctly I'm going to guess. We then take that opportunity to get in the car and leave.

We drive as quickly as we possibly can without getting into a car crash. Jade calls the cops and Hunter tries to calm Rebecca down while I drive. I decide to call Lucas.

Lucas! I'm so sorry we are not at work! We have a situation...


It's a long story. Just know it involves Hunter's psychotic dad.

I'll tell Nick you aren't coming in tonight. I'll leave early with Sam and Rider. I'm pretty sure Nick will allow that.

Most likely. Okay. I'll see you...

At 9

Ahh. Okay. Bye Bro

As I hang up, Jade told me the cops are on their way to Hunter's house. Once his mom is safe we are going to drop Rebecca off with her again In the meantime, they're going to stay with us for a while.

I pull up to the house and we go inside. I lead them to the living room and they sit down, taking in the surroundings. Jade walks out of the room to go find movies that Rebecca would like.

"Hey Rebecca, I heard you like art." I say, trying to get her mind away from what just happened. Hunter mouths a thank you. I smile in return.

"Yea. Hunter has told me about your art along with many other things because he will seriously not shut up about you. Can I see your art though?" After those words leave her mouth, Hunter turns a light shade of red. Stupid boy.

"Of course!" She smiles and I pull up my shirt a little. I show her the music notes on my rib cage.

"These are awesome!"

I also show her the heart beat on my right wrist, the skull and crossbones that is on my thigh and the tiny inverted cross on the side of my left wrist.

"These are super cool! You're designing one for my brother, yea?"

"I am."

"What is it?" she asked eagerly

"It's a tree that wraps around his left rib cage. The wind is blowing the leaves." I say

"That will be really pretty. Maybe when I'm older you can draw something for me?"

"Of course."

"Awesome." I smile. I look up at Hunter and realize he is watching us with a big smile on his face.

"We don't have that many movies but we do have Full House on DVD if you like that show." Jade says as she holds up the DVD's.

"That show is amazing!" Rebecca says with clear excitement.

I just had noticed how dry my mouth was so I decided to walk out of the room and find something to drink. Hunter follows.

"Becca seems to like you Ken." He says with a cute, boyish grin on his face.

"She's adorable."

"Well, it looks like you two have something in common. I like your hair by the way."

"Thanks..." I mutter

"Are you sure it's okay if we stay here?"

"Perfectly fine. There is an extra bedroom or we can do a sleep over thing on the couch for Rebecca, if she wants that."


Lucas, Rider, and Sammy get home a little after 9. After a few minutes of arguing, Lucas helped me set up a giant sleep over thing. Rebecca loved it. We did mind our language... Kind of. Rebecca didn't seem to mind. In all honesty, it was a pretty okay night.

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