Chapter Two

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It's been two weeks since Hunter has started working at the bar. He's started talking a bit more and is actually pretty cool once he opens up a bit and relaxes.

I learned he is from Cleveland, Ohio. His mother, himself, and his thirteen year old sister decided to move out to Seattle after his father left them a few months ago. He plays violin and acoustic guitar, he's been to Warped Tour three times (that I am jealous of), and he loves mythology. He asked me to design a musical tattoo for him. He also added his sister, Rebecca, would love the tattoos I've designed for myself.

Besides learning more about Hunter... Lucas, Jade, Sammy, and myself moved into Rider's new apartment. Six bedrooms and four bathrooms, separated between two levels. Surprisingly, it's not that expensive either.

"SAM! PUT DOWN THE SPATULA!" I hear Lucas yell in the kitchen. I decide to go check it out.

"What the hell is happening this time?" I ask cautiously entering the kitchen. This has happened before. Lucas had spilled Sammy's red bull all over her so she decided to beat him with a spatula.

"MY SPATULA!" Jade yells as she runs into the kitchen

"Shut the fuck up." Sammy says seething with anger.

"Well damn.."

"Ah-hem. Well, if I may speak, I may have thrown a banana and it may have hit her on the head..."

"Lucas, why the hell were you throwing a banana?" I ask, questioning my brothers sanity.

"I was throwing it up in the air and I hit my toe on the table leg so I couldn't catch it and Sam" He stops to look over at her "just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time."

"Fucking idiot." Jade says.

"Yup." Lucas says and slowly inches out of the kitchen. Sam puts the spatula down and takes deep breaths to stop herself from lighting someone on fire.

"I honestly don't understand what you see in him." Jade says to Sammy. "He's cute, I'll give him that, but he has the intelligence of a pineapple."

"I find him adorable so shut the fuck up." Sam pauses. "I guess I could be asking you the same question..."

"I don't like Lucas though."

"But you do like Rider."

"Pffft. No," Sam and I both look at Jade with the 'don't-bullshit-us-we-know-you-like-him' look. "Maybe?" We continue to stare intensely. "Okay fine! I do. Whatever. What about you, Ken? Planning on loving anyone... ever?"

"Nope." I say popping the P. "After my last boyfriend stomped all over my heart.... I think I'm good in the relationship department until I'm at least 50."

"You're so difficult. Even I, the girl as a child who liked no one and wasn't sociable at all, likes someone now." Sam says, turning her attention to me.


"You both frustrate me." Sam says looking between us. Jade and I flip her off because why not?

"Okay. I don't know about you sluts but, I wanna watch Fifty Shades of Grey." Jade says, jumping over the couch to sit down.

"And you call us the sluts?" I grumble, pulling out the movie that we may have gotten illegally from Rider's dad. It's not our fault he is a rich man and has power over a lot of people now is it?

After about thirty minutes into the movie, I look at Sam.

"I want my hair dyed. Lets go to the Western Beauty Supply that's up the street."

"But I don't wanna." she wines.

"Would you rather sit here and watch this porn shit with Jade or get off your fat ass and dye hair?"

"Dying hair it is!" Sam says and jumps off the couch eagerly.

"Fucktards!" Jade calls out as we walk out the door.

"Were we supposed to invite her?" I ask.

"Nope." Sam says popping the P once we both get into my car. Turning up the volume to I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket by Pierce The Veil, I slowly back out of the spot I parked into and exited the little community we live in.

The drive was only twenty minutes so it wasn't that long. I receive a text on my phone.

Jade: #R00D. Thank you sooooo much for leaving me here with Lucas and Rider. That was fucking amazing. I think Rider is jacking off in the bathroom thanks to this movie. Remind me to never watch this around them again.

Me: No promises

Jade: You little hoe.

Me: That's you, Darlin.

Jade: Fuck off

Me: Fuck on

Jade: Fuck backwards

Me: Fuck forwards

Jade: Fuck away

Me: Fuck towards

Jade: Well,that was fun. Now it's time for me to go disinfect the bathroom! Later loser.

Me: Bitch

Jade: That's you.

"Was that Jade? Was she complaining about Rider's tiny dick or something?"

"Nah. She was just being a bitch."

"So, nothing new?"

"Nothing new." I confirm.

We wonder around and find the colors we both want. Sam is doing blue and green and I'm just re-doing a blue and purple I've done a long time ago but this time it will be ombré.

We end up paying. Well, I end up paying because Sam "accidentally" left her wallet at home. I'll just take her tip money from the bar tomorrow night.

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