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Sneha happily disconnected the call and the moment she turned, she saw Gautam's eldest tayiji on the door, silently smiling towards her.

She smiled towards her and horror seized her.'what if she heard me?'

"Oh, how long have you been here? I mean...You could have called me, why did you bother?" She asked nervously.

"Not long. I wanted to talk to you." She answered and caught Sneha's hand motioning her to sit.

"Yes..?" Sneha asked, politely.

"I have a request to make." She said in a sweet voice.

"Please don't say like that, you are elder than me. You don't need to ask, rather just tell me."

She chuckled "Sneha, Gautam is are beloved son. We all wanted his wedding to be here, with all our traditions and rituals. But we got to know that he and his wife are modern and we assumed that you both won't like it, so we didn't even talk about it. But now we have met you...." She stopped and kissed Sneha's forehead.
"You are blessing in his life, the way you care of him, the way you smile towards him, the way you are with all of us here, as if you are not an outsider but a part of this family. Really, it would have impossible for us to find a better bride, for our son."

"I just..... I really don't know what to say." Sneha just smiled, she was overwhelmed but was unable to express.

"Say yes." His tayiji smiled.

"To what?"

"We want you both to get married again, in our traditional way, please."

She was stunned, what was she suppose to do. She is not his wife, not his actual wife at least. She can't tell them the truth, and cannot afford to break their hearts nor she can make the same mistake again.

"Beta?" Tayiji promptly asked, with hope filled eyes.

"Whatever you want." Sneha smiled, now that she is his wife for at least 6 months, then there is no harm in marrying the same man again, in the same duration of time.

Taiji was overjoyed and hugged Sneha. "I have a lot many preparations to do!! Everyone will be so happy and excited!! Thank you so much!!" She hugged her again and rushed out.

"Everyone will be soooooooo happy!! Tears of joy. This is for you mom and dad, and my directors and producers and... and.." Gautam said dramatically while entering the room.

"Shut up you! It's bad to eavesdrop." She said playfully throwing a pillow towards him.

He caught the pillow. "Is it? sorry miss. So do you want me to stay out of the class.. I mean out of the room as my punishment??"

"Kid!" She said. "Gautam!!" She cried in horror when she saw his bleeding arm.
She ran towards him, grabbing his arm. "What happened??"

"Oucch... I don't know..." He glanced towards his wound and shrugged.

"You.. Sit.!" She authoritatively motioned towards the bed and rushed to grab the first aid kid.

"Ouch.!" He cried and pulled his arm, when she applied some alcohol.

She too flinched on his pain. "Sorry, sorry." She whispered and lightly blew on the wound.

He forgot all about his pain now and was intensely staring her.
He had thousands of woman in his life, but none of them felt his pain as if it's their own.

"Gautam?" She said.

"Hmm?" He continued starring her with a smile.

"It's done, why are you smiling?" She frowned.

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