Fairy Tale

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"Stop it! Let me sleep." Nidhi said in a cranky way, when Mayank placed his maybe 100th kiss on her face.

From past 1 hour he is doing the same activity to wake her up, teasing and kissing her. "No, get up, it's already 11:00 am" He said and placed another kiss on her nose.

She sleepy threw a pillow on him but missed it, he chuckled and pulled her from her shoulders. She left her body loose and her eyes were shut, in a hope that he will let her go but instead her came closer to her. "If you are not going to get up now, I will kiss you at a place that you may not like." He whispered near her ear.
Her eyes pooped and she jumped off the bed. "I hate you!"

"I don't, besides I'm reserving our first kiss for later today. Now go and get ready." He said and got up from the bed.

"I'm not here to take--"

"Then, you know what I'm going--"

"No, you won't do that. You said it yourself." She folded her arms.

"Don't tempt me Nidhi." He said and stepped towards her with a sexy smile.

"Okay fine! I'm going." She said in irritation and thumped towards the bathroom.

She took her sweet time to get ready, that is 2 hours and came out of her room, to her surprise he was out of sight.
In the mornings either he is cooking or reading with his coffee in the verandah, but this time no. No where.

She checked his cabin but it was empty too and so was his bedroom. 'Maybe he is in his study.' She thought and marched towards the same.

The moment she entered his Library her eyes were out of their sockets. The library was double than it's original size. One part was just like the original library, but the new part what she assumed was full of different books. Books of her choice. All her favorite books. She approached the rack and noticed many were original manuscript, some were the first written and then recalled the time she mentioned it to Mayank how she wants to read them, only if she could.
She turned and noticed in, middle of this big library there was a small table with one plate and a single glass, but with two chairs.

She frowned and planned to search. She went deep inside and saw him sleeping on an armchair with an open book on his chest.

She smiled, for the first time he was sleeping with a smile instead of a tensed expression.
She carefully, without noise went towards him and pulled the book that was kept opened on his chest. He didn't move. Then she kissed his forehead.

"My tricks on me, huh?" He answered and opened his eyes. "Trust me, I won't get irritated like you, till my eternity at least."

She giggled "What happened to your library?"

"I wanted to surprise you, but.. come." He took her hand and went to the new section.
"This is ours now."

"What do you mean?" She frowned.

"I want to share everything with you from now on. Our thoughts, our views, our dreams our goals and maybe our..... bedroom." He said.

"Including our breakfast?" She asked.

"Yes, including our breakfast which is, I guess cold by now."

She giggled, "I don't mind in sharing anything with you, be it a cold breakfast." And captured his hand dragging him towards the table.

After their breakfast they both spent quality time in the library itself. Talking, laughing and playing.

"Hello!!!" A lady's voice came from outside.

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