And then, I met you.

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Dedicated to sweetiechesh


7 Years Later

Nidhi's P.O.V.

"Oh! I can't take it anymore!" I couldn't help but to cry, helplessly.
I was dead tired now, these twin boys of mine are all set to reduce my baby weight.
"Vivan! Mrinal! Stop right there!" Again my actions and words went in vain and I had no other option than to run after my 2 year old boys with their bowl of food.

"Mommy! Catch us!" Vivan said and both of them giggled, giggled beautiful and ran towards the living area.

There beautiful giggle gave me energy, and I once again ran after them. But where are they? They just entered the living area and now they are like puff!

"Daddy! That's not fair!" I heard from other room, and sighed. Why the hell is my turn today?! Why can't I play with them instead.

"No that's not!" Here goes the other one.
Oh... I'm glad I got the boys today. So count down begins. 5..4....3....2....

"I'm done for today!" Mayank came out of their room with his hands in the air, in resignation.

I couldn't help but smile. He looks amazing. Worn out, tired but amazing.
He is wearing the same outfit he wore the day he proposed me, our fairytale day. My Prince, scratch that, he is my king now.
"What is it today?" It's good he is out, now I can sit and relax for sometime. I'm in no mood to find my boys again.

"I'm the king as you can see, and they started fighting about who is going to be the queen!" He said in a sweet, but helpless voice and sat next to me, with a thud.
No doubt he love his daughter, they are our first born.
Twins! The moment he got to know that we are having twins and that too girls, he was on cloud nine and after 5 years we welcomed our twin boys, and now we are a big big big family of 8, including his parents.

"But their mom is my forever queen." He smiled, with his eyes closed. Sometimes, he really want to see how I react when he speak such soft things, but he likes it this way and fortunately I too get a chance to stare this beautiful man.
He opened his eyes and caught me, caught me staring at him again.
I was burning, burning red.

"Oh... how beautiful you look when you blush." He smiled and moved to kiss me.

"Mommy!" Both the girls came out, and we laughed together, got caught again.
One came out with a torn princess dresses, and one with a broken tiara. Both had tears in their eyes.

"Pihu, broke it!" Anvi complained and cried harder, running towards me. She quickly jumped in my open arms.

"Look my dress! She did it!" Pihu complained and opened her arms, she wants me to carry her as well. I lightly touched her hair and picked her up, both the girls are sitting on my lap,now.
God, they have grown up so much!

"I'm out of it.." He said and started shifting.

"No you are not!" The horror seized me. Winning the world war III is comparatively eariser, or maybe impressing his mom is easier too...but this, no way!
Yup, his mom. His mom hates me, that was establised long back when Mayank announced that I'm his wife.
But that decreased in the course of time. It dropped drastically when she held our daughters in her arms for the first time.
Just like here children she opposed on keeping similar sounding names for the twins and hence all four of them landed with their individual, independent name.

"The boys!" He smirked, he knows. He know just the thing that will get him away from this situation.
"Mrinal! Vivan! Story time!" He announced and both of them came running, from the kitchen cabinets. Great! The best place to hide from food is where you store them.
Never mind, atleast they will sleep finally.

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