The Charity Event

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"Good morning .. where do you think you are going?" Nidhi frowned when she saw Mayank ready to leave.

"Morning! Police Station?! Where else?" He answered chewing his toast.

"Why?" She asked in a confused tone.

"I... I unintentionally put Akshay behind the bars." He completed while pressing his lips.

"You did what? But why and how?" She asked in shock.

"Akshay was the one who turned me black and blue." He said, as stating the obvious.

"But why would he do that?"

"That is something I have to find out."

"Okay.. Can I come with you?" She hopefully asked.

"No... I don't want to go around ripping heads.." He spoke to himself, thinking about all the vultures out there, thieves, murderers, goons, who will undress her with their eyes and he cannot even tolerate the thought of  it.

"What?" She heard him, but couldn't really understand.

"Nothing, I will be back soon." He said and left.

Mayank finally reached the police station after picking Sneha and Riddhima up.

"YOU JERK! LET ME COME OUT OF HERE! YOU ARE SURELY GOING TO ROT!" The first thing they heard was Akshay yelling at the Inspector.

"Not again.." the Inspector grumbled.

"Akshay!" Sneha called, with a pained expression.

"Sneha.." Akshay said with a hiss while looking towards the trio approaching along with Mayank's lawyer.

"Mr. Sharma! What an honor to have you here!" The inspector got up with folded hands.

"Mr. Sharma wants to take back his complain." The lawyer answered while placing the papers on the desk. "Mr. Akshay's bail papers."

"But you asked me to--" the Inspector began but Mayank broke him off.

"Kindly do as you are told." He said with a firm jaw line.

"I don't need you help!" Akshay yelled.

Riddhima rolled her eyes and said "Can you ask him to shut up in a nicer way than I'll ask after a few seconds?" Towards Sneha, to which she nodded and rushed towards him.

The inspector asked in a sugar coated tone again. "Sir are you really sure? Look at h--"

"No one asked for you opinion, did we?" Riddhima said sarcastically.

"Yes ma'am... I mean no.. but.."

"Do as you are told and fast, and keep your fucking eyes away." Mayank said impatiently and angrily, shocking everyone in the room, expect Riddhima. She knew exactly where his eyes were.

"Yes sir.." the Inspector sweetly worked and himself, got up to unlock the door.

"Thank you" Riddhima whispered, she didn't realize it herself before. 'Why are all the qualities in Mayank only?' She thought.

He give a small smile to her and got up. "Lets go, and I will make sure they will suspend you soon." He said before leaving a begging Inspector behind.

"Akshay.. stop! Where are you going?" Sneha called after him, who was rushing outside.

"To hell! Why do you care?" He turned and yelled

By then, Riddhima reached besides Sneha and said "Man, calm down! You should be thankful to Mayank that--"

"Oh you shut up! It's all because of you! You created all the mess. You should be there in the village. You should be Gautam's wife. You should be the one in pain not Sneha! What have she done to have all this? What is her mistake? Nothing! It's you and your asshole boss and because of you both Sneha suffered! SHE WAS IN HELL JUST BECAUSE OF YOU!" Akshay shouted and left.

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