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"Good morning, sweetheart." The irritating voice of the friend rang inside the room.

"I'm working." Avinash answered without even looking at him.

"Aww... My dearest buddy have time for his girl but not for his poor lad?" Gautam asked with a smirk.

", Gautam?" Avinash asked emphasizing on each and every word.

Before Gautam could make another sly comment, someone else pushed the door open.
"Don't you have any work to do?" Mayank asked and frowned towards Gautam, the moment he stepped in.

"I'm glad to announce that our friend here asked me a favor, and I'm here to talk about the same." Gautam said.

"How unfortunate." Mayank said and Avinash chuckled.

"You should start taking me seriously, now." Gautam said with a satisfied smile.

"No one does. Other than Sneha, of course. I pity her." Mayank commented.

Gautam grinned on the mention of her name "She does. No need, I'm a happily married man, with a wife who loves me a lot. Ah.. our weekend." He said and made a dreamy face.

"That was last week. It's Friday, again, today. Come out of your dreams, little boy." Mayank said.

"Who needs to dreams, when I can have her in my bed every night, unlike my two other friends." He nodded his head in dramatic grief.

"Please.. I'm not here to discuss my love life and definitely not yours. I need some help." Mayank said and took a seat next to Gautam.

"Ah.. now I have the upper hand, on both of you. He smiled.

"Aviansh, I failed to understand. In what particular way, is he useful to you?" Mayank pointed towards him and Avinash rolled his eyes.

"I'm taking Riddhima to Italy, for a week. Starting from Monday.--"

"Yup, so he wants me to give Riddhima a week's off, officially." He answered.

"Ask her to take an off, herself." Mayank said.

"She is too stubborn to skip work. Just like dear husband." Gautam laughed.

"Agreed with the stubbornness." Mayank said and joined him.

"Mayank? What is it that you want?" Avinash asked in irritation.

"Yes, I want to use your dream location." Mayank asked from Avinash.

"Okay, when?"


"I will be in Italy then, but I guess, that can be arranged."

"Great! And Gautam I need various things, from you buddy. For a start, a few thousand roses." Mayank turned towards Gautam.

"How many?" He asked.

"3,245 to be exact." He smiled proudly.

"What the fuck is that now?" He asked in astonishment.

"Hours. Since I married Nidhi, till the hour I will confess my feelings to her." Mayank smiled.

"You are seriously the chocolate boy types, all women admire. Lucky, that Nidhi is with you than me." Avinash smiled.

"And Sneha, with me." He grinned, and the other two sighed.

"Did your sweet, loveable wife told you that, I have a date with her today?" Aviansh asked politely.

Gautam frowned with a tensed expression. To which Mayank laughed. "Tell me, did your wife use those three magical words, to express her feelings for you?"

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