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"Doctor!" Manan shouted in urgency, and ran inside the hospital with Riddhima in his arms. Blood all over her body and his clothes.

The nurses came running with a stretcher, followed by the doctor.
"What happened?" He asked in emergency.

"She was in an accident, the truck took a wrong turn, and her car flew and it was upside do something.--

"Are you her relative?"

"No. I'm her--"

"Call her family. Nurse prepare the operation theater."

"Doctor but--"


It didn't took more than 30 minutes for everyone to assemble there. Avinash was the first one to reach, followed by Sneha and Nidhi. Mayank and Gautam stepped in together and Raj came in with her parents.

"Where is she??" Avinash asked in pain, angry, worry, fear, every emotions was visible in his eyes.

"The doctor wants to see you." Manan said and requested the nurse to inform the doctor.

He immediately emerged from the room and scanned the little party waiting outside, eagerly.

"Doctor, I'm Avinash Singhania, Riddhima's husband and these are her parents Mr. And Mrs. Tandon."

"Hello, I'm Dr. Krishna Murthy, please follow me to my office." He said and briskly walked towards his office.

"How is she?" Mr. Tandon asked, while taking a seat in front of the doctor.

"I'm sorry, but I need to be honest with you. She lost a lot of blood, few of her ribs cracked and there is a deep wound in her left arm. Thankfully her head didn't get any major injuries. But my area of concern is different." The doctor paused.

"Don't worry about the money, bring in the best possible doctors, equipments, what ever you need. I don't bloddy care. Just make her okay." Avinash said impatiently.

"Mr. Avinash, my team here is quite efficient and well equipped. Mr. And Mrs. Tandon, your daughter had a cyst--"

"Yes! It took away her..." Mrs. Tandon said promptly but stopped mid sentence.

"I know what you are talking about Mrs. Tandon. The cyst, that was dormant, burst because of her accident. We need to operate her and operate her now--"

"Do it! What are you waiting for?!" Avinash yelled.

"There are some complication, I'm afraid..." the doctor took out the x-Ray and a report.
"Look here, her lower abdomen was affected by the burst. We can remove the remains and clean it. There are chances for her to regain her capability to conceive. But the operation is risky, she might land in Coma."

Everyone was stunned and lack words to express their feelings.

"How long?" Mrs. Tandon asked.

"Weeks? Months? Years? Or maybe for a life time. We can't say anything."

"What are the chances??" Mr. Tandon asked.

"There are only 10% chances to be out and to be safe."

"And if she is not operated....?"

"Then I'm afraid but we won't be able to save her."

Avinash clenched his fist, and faced her parents who were themselves stairing at him. He weakly smiled and Mr. Tandon nodded.

"Everything includes risk dad, just because we might lose, it's not necessary to give up all together.' She told me.....We want to take that risk." Mr. Tandon quietly said but with firm determination.

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