Chapter 4:

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"What was that noise Iris?" He said.
"umm nothing dad I think it might have been a fish... A big fish jump out if the water." I said very suspiciously.
"Okay you all right?"
"Ya I'm fine."
Inside I'm not fine. I almost blew my cover. The sooner we get out of here the better.
I got back to the camp ground. I got the fish.
"Good" I said.
"We're gonna be leaving this morning."
"Why?" I said.
"Something came up."
"Oh okay..?" I said.
I'm hoping it had nothing to do with me at the situation.
I stated to get packing. Broke apart my tent. And packed  it up.
I started to walk towards the boat. I got in with my dad.
"Ready?" He said.
"Ready." I said.

We got back to the  land. Witch I can't wait to tell my friends what we did. But than again how can I tell them I'm a mermaid?

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