Chapter 7:

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"Yea right." He said.
"Okay well it's true." I said.
I spelt water on my self and started to quickly run. Jumped into the nearest pond. Adam ran to see what was up.
I got in the water and was now a mermaid.
"How the heck, how did that just happen?" He said.
"It was on mako." I exclaimed.
"Oh my gosh this is so weird." He said.
"It sure is.."
"I thought you were gonna freak out knowing you." I said.
"I kinda did freak out." He said.
I Lifted my self out of the water.
"Oh and I have powers."I have fire power." I said.
I put my hand out and hardened it. Like your trying to make a fist bump. Smoke was going every where as I dried of my tail.
"My friends a fish!!!??!!!" He said.

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