Chapter 13:

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Next day,
    I told Adam. He didn't know what to say, but I told him if he should never go  to mako. On a full moon. Don't go in the cave. Or ELES you would be a merman.
"Thanks for telling me about Katie." And I won't go over there." He said.
"Okay good." I say.
I told Katie that I told him. She said okay.
I went for a swim that after noon. I found a necklace down on the ocean floor.
I picked it up. And swam towards home.
   I got to my bed room and shut the door. I grabbed my necklace out of my pocket.
The necklace had a blue crystal on it. And a symbol of a water sign. I didn't know      what it was for, I'm guessing it had  some thing to do with a mermaid thing.
I put  it on. And it seems like it wanted me to have it. Like it belonged to me.

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