Chapter 14:

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Next day,
"Katie!" I screamed.
"I found this necklace down on the ocean."
"Woah." She said.
"It looked like it belonged with you like it wanted you to have it." She said.
"That's what I thought, like it has to do with a mermaid thing." I exclaimed.
I touched my necklace.
"Wonder if I had a necklace and it was the same thing wonder if they connect." "To have like a big power of some sort.?" She said.
"Yes that would happen." "I bet."
I went at school. Everyone was crowed around p. And I was trying to see what was up.
"Class this is the new girl, Sirina. " the teacher exclaimed.
She had the same necklace I did. What is she a mermaid!?
Now I'm curious.
I have to tell Katie and Adam.

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