Chapter 10:

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I have to go with her. But how it's a full moon. I have to do something.
"Hey Katie can I come with you?"
"Ya sure just pack your stuff tonight."

Later that after noon,
I went and packed my stuff up. Walked to the dock.
"Hey Katie you ready?"
"Yea my dads not going he has a meeting so I have to go just with me and you."she said.
"Oh okay , is your dad okay with it??"
"Oh yeah he is."if I have a friend with me he says it's fine."
We went on the Boat grabbed our stuff and headed on. She really didn't know how to start a boat but than she got a hold of it.
We got to mako island.
"Wow this is so pretty." Katie said.
"Yup I've been here before so I know where to go."
"Okay cool."she said.
We unpacked our stuff and went to setup our tent.
"Hey iris I'm gonna go check out that pond over there."
Oh great it's a full moon and it's getting dark. Oh gosh this is not good. I have to wear dark glasses to come with her so I don't look at the moon.
"Hey I'm coming with you." I said, putting my glasses on trying not to look at the moon.
We started to walk towards the pond.
"Hey check this out there's- "
I heard a scream come from the pond.
"KATIIIEEEE?!?!?" I screamed.
Oh great she went down in the cave.
I walked over and went down to go find her.
"You alright?" I said.
"Yeah..just hurt."
She got up and started to walk towards the light. Oh great she's going into the moon pool.
"Hey iris come over here I see something." She said.

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