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Lucy screamed his name, as he feel from above. She knew she had to save him. All her memories were coming back. He couldn't die!! As she flew in high speed to catch up to him, passing by the humans and demons who watched as soon as the magic hit him. She pushed them out of the way. Finally being able to reach him, they landed onto the ground with a great impact.

"Jackal! JACKAL! Answer me... Say something" she yelled holding him in her arms "JACKAL!!!"

Everyone stopped what they were doing just to watch the most powerful demon worry about another demon. Some of them started to approach her. Lucy unaware kept holding him with tears in her eyes.

Erza was the first to speak "Look, Lucy it's not so bad if he is dead. He is a demon after all" 

"Shut up!!" 

"Luce, you need to let him go. All the other demons are gone" Natsu said

"NO!! I don't want to" Natsu, Rogue tried to get near her since she had her guard down and she was finally back. Lucy notices they want to take him away. 

"Lucy, just leave him and come back home" Rogue spoke

"NO!! GET AWAY!!" she yelled sending a typhoon at them sending them backwards. She set a force field around them 

~~~~~~~ inside

"I won't let them take you. I promise. Jackal, please wake up" she sobbed "I need you. I don't know how I could forget. I don't want to be this monster. If you aren't with me"


On the outside everyone tried everything they can to try and break her barrier. Team Natsu and the Dragon Duo did everything they could until. Erza told them to combine their powers for a bigger impact. Team Natsu joined the Dragon Duo plus they have Wendy and Gajeel helping out. After they send in their magic everyone else helps to break it. After a while, they are able to create a crack to get through. Lucy still hugging Jackal, crying.

Rogue and Natsu pass through the crack. Grabbing Lucy by her arms. Dropping Jackal on the ground. With all her mighty she kicked and screamed. She wanted to run back to him and stay. They dragged her no matter what. 

"LET ME GO!! IDIOTS!!" she yelled kicking

"Sorry, Luce this is for the best"

"NO!! I need to stay with him. Let me go"

Once outside they set her in some magic chains to prevent her from leaving. Both her arms and legs. She cried all the way back to Fairy Tail. They set her down at a table in front of Master.

"Lucy, child are you alright?" she didn't respond 

They all tried to get answers from her since the day she disappeared. She never spoke a single word. All you saw in her face was depression, sorrow, guilt, and emptiness. Master knew there was no way to make her speak now.

"I'm going to let you go, Lucy" he said taking off the cuffs

Lucy looked down at her hands. They were red from how tight they were on her arm. She rubbed her arms to make it go away. Her friends offered to stay with her at her place and take care off her. She shoke her head 'no'. She got up and walked out of the guild towards her old house. Not here apartment but her Mansion. It was empty no one has bought it yet. 

Once she arrived, the place was dark and clean. Except for her father's office, parents bedroom, and her room. She sat on her bed. Leaning in the corner. Hugging her knees, her face buried inbetween. Her wings wrapped around her shutting her from the outside world. She remember all the times she sent with Jackal. Even if her did force her at first, as a trade for setting her free from the horrible chains. The time in the garden. Even the horrible memory of Mard Geer making a deal with her.


It's been a few months since anyone has seen Lucy. They knew it was best to give her time. But now they were worried she didn't something terrible so Team Natsu and Dragon Duo set out to search for her. When they dind't find her at her apartment, they had to follow her sent. Meaning they had to board the train causing the dragon slayers go green.

Luckly, Wendy was there and casted Troia. After if wore off Erza knocked them out to stop the complaining. It toke some time but they finally arrived to her Mansion. They walked right in since no one answered the door. They split up searching the whole house. They found no trace of her, except from somethings trashed. The place looked like someone robbed it. 

They all grouped up at the top of the stairs and walked down the hallway. Checking every room along the way. Finally they reached the final room at the end of the hall. They were scared about what they would find inside. Erza reached for the door knob slowly turning it, opening the door. It was pitch black, tiny bit of light coming in through the window. 

All around the walls were scratchs, Jackal's name. The one that caught their eye was 'It's my fault, I'm a monster. This monster inside of me, killed him. It's all my fault'. Lucy didn't notice them walk in because he wings were wrapped around her making it dark and sound prof from the outside. Everyone was speechless, didn't now what to say.

"Luce... We can to see you" Natsu said in a low voice, she didn't move or say anything

"Lucy" Rogue spoke reaching to touch her wings

His hand touched her wings, he softly moved it so she could feel someone near. Lucy slowly opened her wings revaling how she looked. It looked like she hasn't sleep in a long time. She looked so fragile, if you touched her again, she would break. She finally looked up, her eyes red from crying. Wendy walked over, ready to help her by healing her in any way she could. 

Lucy grabbed her hand, in a low sad voice "No, I'm fine. I don't need any-" was all she said before falling to the ground. Rogue caught her in time before she hit her head. 

Since Lucy hasn't sleep in days, months. Plus she didn't eat at all, she needed food but not just normal food. Being a demon she needs blood to keep her energy up. 

They all walked out of her room, Rogue carrying her. Wendy on the way home tried to heal her but it seemed something was blocking the treatment from doing it's job. They toke her to Fairy Tail because she could get the necessary help there. Rogue set her in the infirmary. Wendy did she could. Now they had to wait for Porlyusica to come by. 

Porlyusica being the way she is didn't want anyone to be near her. She needs her rest, her energy need to build up for her to regain conciousness. But being the most powerful, could take a while since she gave up after the incident. 

Porlyusica, Master and Wendy were the only ones allowed inside. But of course, they all tried to argue and get there way. Natsu and Rogue complained of never leaving her side till she woke up and was the happy, positive, beautiful Lucy again. Master couldn't get them to understand so he only let them stay by her side. No one else. Well only Mira because she would bring up food for them while they worked hard, but she didn't even enter the room. She would stand at the door. 

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