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After so many requests - a few million - I decided to re-write marriage by law from Darius' POV. I will try to make this a stand alone story so you don't need to read MBL. 

This story used to be On Radish - but I took it down because they were doing with the book and their payment structure (making people pay to read it etc.) so I am bringing this back to Wattpad - but because I wish for it to remain free, I ask that you have patience as I will be really slow with this. 

Here is a short preview of a random scene (Also comment below your favourite scene, or what you want to read the most about Darius's thoughts etc)

The clock ticked away, pretty noisily as I stared out the window. I could see Jesse out the corner of my eye photocopying the documents I asked for, and I almost wanted to tell him to go a bit slower. The faster I finished emailing the documents off, it meant the sooner it was to going home.

Jesse turned around bringing me the documents, standing silently as I went through them.



"Aren't you meant to be," He paused and I flicked through the documents, I think the printer need a new toner, the colour seemed a bit faint, "going home for dinner?"

"Is that so?" I asked, I remembered.

Jesse didn't reply, instead stood there silently, I already knew that I needed to be home for dinner, I was well aware that Marge told me that at six thirty in the morning as I left. I could remember her exact words, but whether I decided to act upon it was my own choice.

"Are you going to be leaving soon?" Jesse asked as I opened up my laptop.


"Did you call Roger about the contract I asked you about?"

"Oh crap, I forgot man."

"Can you do it now?"

Jesse nodded walking hastily back to his desk as I typed out an email. Hopefully this would take me an other hour before I could go home, which would mean I could avoid this "Dinner" Marge planned. Because waiting at home was a woman who thought she was my wife, and I had absolutely no idea what  I was meant to say to her. 

Staying at work, was safe, and I, Darius Quartz, threaded on the safe side of things. 

Marriage by Business (Darius POV)Where stories live. Discover now