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I stood up leading her away to the dance floor, she rushed to follow me. I forgot how small she was, until she was right against me.

It was almost like dancing with a child.

She stumbled on her feet a few times and I wasn't sure if it was because she couldn't dance, or if she was feeling uncomfortable.

"It's fine we don't have to."

I ignored her, she was humming the song, she wanted to dance.  I looked down at her as she looked around, what was so curious that she was always looking? It was like a cat, anything shiny, anything that moved caught her attention.

Surely the world wasn't that exciting.

Adrian cut in and I was semi thankful to let go I wasn't sure what exactly to say but maybe Adrian would make her more comfortable.

I walked away speaking to some gentlemen I knew. It was the same old questions every time, how was your trip. How was your business? How is your father? What was his latest business proposal? The same old.

I looked at my phone as it buzzed, Marge.

I looked up as Adrian and Ivory were in deep discussion, I frowned, why did she speak to him like that. She never said a word to me? Then again, Adrian had a way with women.

I walked towards them, grasping Ivory around her wait tugging her away, "Adrian we have to go, come by the house tomorrow if you want." 

I let them say goodbyes as I ushered her out of the party, three hours and fifteen minutes were done.

* * * 

"Thank god you got my message," Marge greeted us the moment we entered.

"Of course I did Marge." and I wasn't a fan of what she said.

But first thing was first, I needed to get out of this suit. I wasn't impressed by our parents, once again were bored with their own lives so decided to meddle with ours. I was even less impressed that our meeting would be pushed out. I grabbed my phone calling Jesse, he had to continue to meeting even if I wasn't there.

When I walked into the room, the bags were already packed.

Damn it Marge, you were too efficient. I groaned ending the call with Jesse and calling my mother.

I couldn't go on this stupid trip.

* * * 

"You have to darling."


"No Mums, your dad has already decided that you both have to spend some quality time together. You guys didn't even have your honeymoon."

"That's fine, we don't need one."

"Don't be silly. Of course you do. No more otherwise your dad and I will accompany you on this holiday."

No thanks.

"Bye." I hung up.

I called Jesse, who picked up on the third ring this time.

"What is it Darius, it's three in the morning."

"Get up then, we have work to do." I told him as I walked to my study office. 

* * * 

I slammed my laptop close.

Well...that conference went to shit. I loosened my tie stretching out uncomfortable in the couch in the so called 'study room' for this cottage.

Marriage by Business (Darius POV)Where stories live. Discover now