
7.9K 318 71

I'm alive...barely.


"Why are you sulking?"

I looked up as Ivory walked down the stairs  munching on fairy floss that she bought last night as we left the carnival.

I looked at the clock behind her, it was nine in the morning. Surely that wasn't appropriate food for breakfast.

I really did need to get her a dentist appointment. I need to get myself one too as I could still feel the sugar stuck in my teeth. I looked up closing the newspaper, watching her scrunch up the bag and throw it out. Did she eat the entire packet for breakfast or did she just finish off what was left?

"Good you're up. You sleep worse than my grandmother,"

Ivory opened her mouth staring at me, she resembled a gold fish, no, a puffer fish and then she closed it again, "I do not" she whispered. I folded the newspaper neatly and placed it on the coffee table standing up.

"All right then let's go," I grabbed the keys off the coffee table.

"To where."

I didn't think that one through. Do I tell her that I saw her looking at cruises and I didn't like the boats so I picked one myself, or was that creepy because she didn't see me watching her.

Ivory looked at me, her eyes questioning and not even breaking a stare

I rubbed the back of my neck feeling warm, "Um, Marge told me she booked us in for some boat cruise,"

Good old Marge, always a perfect cover. There was no way I was going to let Ivory book a cruise on some broken boat without any side panels or railings. I took the liberty of booking a fine decent cruise after thorough investigation and analysing their commercial rationale. 

The boat when we arrived looked slightly different to the one online, I frowned. I was going to raise this, when I expect a 4 and a half star boats, i expect a four and a half star boat that was advertised. Nothing less. 

"Welcome Welcome Welcome to River-Side RAiiiIiiinbowss," 

Does he need to yell?

Ivory turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow "River Side Rainbow?"

Well it was better than letting her pick River side drowning looking at the old boats she was looking at. Who nows, it might be good. 

"Welcome to the best reef exploration in your life time ladies and gentlemen," the kid smiled widely looking between us. I nodded walking past him, let's get this over and done with. I wasn't the biggest fan of boats. They were unstable, you weren't on land. 

Anywhere that my feet wasn't planted on the ground that I could say wasn't going to sway, I wasn't fan off.

My phone buzzed and I reach into my pocket.


I frowned looking at the title of the email, crap. Did this have to happen now.

New Offer, they're going to win

I told Jesse that under no circumstances were they going to get that tender. The biggest Aluminium contract was mine.

I looked at how far the shoreline was, not too bad, "take us back."

Ivory and the kid looked at me confused, he was holding up a pair of scuba diving outfits looking disappointed. My phone started ringing, it was Jesse.

I picked it up, "Ten minutes. I need my laptop" which i had brought just in case something like this would happen. I pointed towards the shoreline and the kid nodded dropping the stuff and rushing to the wheel. 

Marriage by Business (Darius POV)Where stories live. Discover now