Four (Full)

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"What did he say?" Jesse flanked my side as soon as I exited the house.

"Nothing much." I shrugged, "Just wanted to tell me some things."


"Nothing I already didn't know." I opened the door getting into the car, "Send me that report as soon as you can,"

"Alright." Jesse got into his own car to drive home, ideally I would prefer him to go to work and send it to me now, but he has been away for a long time from his own family and I guess Stacey would have killed me if he didn't go home.

"Where to sir?" the driver questioned.

I checked my watch realising it was already nearly dinner time, "Home thanks Joe."

I opened my laptop plugging in the USB to make sure everything I needed was there, "Joe." I called as we stopped at a traffic light.

"Yes Mr. Quartz."

"Do you have that...file I gave you?"

"I do sir, would you like me to give it to you now?"

I typed in my password looking up meeting his gaze in the reflection, "Give it to me when we arrive, that's alright." It wasn't anything important.

The familiar streets of my city passed by, it didn't change much in six months, not that it would. Six months would seem like a lot of time but it really wasn't. I would know, I was meant to finish the contract by this time but it was going to take another two weeks. Which didn't seem good on the business and I was sure my dad would have something to say about it. He always does.

When the familiar street pulled up I closed my laptop slipping it back into the compartment. And then the familiar houses passed by, everything looked the same as the gates opened and Joe drove up, except there were people waiting there.

At least my boots were polished.

I stepped out not waiting for Joe who was rushing to open the door, the cold Melbourne air hitting me with force.

I crossed my arms, "The file sir."

I looked at the cream coloured file, "Yes right," I nodded clearing my throat.

"Anything else...sir?" he asked staring at me confused as I just stood there.

"Uh bring all my things up, well tell the guards to, and also have a good day."

Joe's eyes crinkled in amusement and I frowned, "Of course sir, you too." He held out the file.

Right, the file.

"Uh Joe."

"Yes sir."

"How do I uh- look?"

"You look splendid as usual sir." I pursed my lips, right, of course. 

There was a chatter of noise behind me and I looked over to see Butler Jarred and his assistant Mel, "Mr. Quartz sir! So good to have you home."

"How was your trip sir?" A softer feminine voice asked.

"Well thank you," I nodded grabbing the file from Joe, "Joe tell them what to do." and I walked towards the house.

I could see three other figures standing by the door, I recognised the first as Marge, lovely old Marge, the other two, I dared not to look.

Just walk inside you can sort this out later.

It wasn't till I stepped inside the warm house I could release the breathe I was holding in. Well, it was warmer in here. I looked around, nothing seemed to be changed which was to my liking. I liked things the way they were before and I expect no change.

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