Five (Full)

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"What do you think?"

"What?" Jesse asked looking up at me confused, I looked up from my laptop.

"Were you listening to me?" I questioned. Jesse looked out the window again and I stood up, what on earth is he looking at.

"Is that her?"

"Is that who?" I asked as I walked over to the window. His eyebrows were knotted as he looked down at something, whatever caught his interest in the garden.

I pulled the curtain aside looking down and I realised what he was talking about. Or in this case who.

"Yes." I turned back to walk back to my desk but stopped when Jesse said something.

"What was that?"

"What is she doing?"

"Probably sitting outside, now get back to work." I said irritated. I wanted this report done. No mistakes. When we go to pitch this to my father, it was going to be flawless.

"She doesn't look like she's sitting."

I turned back around sighing, knowing that when something catches his interest he was going to get to the bottom of it, walking over to the window I looked down. "She's digging." I concluding seeing the spade and pots near her. 

What was she digging for? A dead body....judging by that hole.

She suddenly looked up and Jesse swore ducking out of view, why was she digging?

"Probably planting something." I thought out loud as her brown eyes stared back like she could see us. Surely not a body.

"Obviously, get back to work Darius."

I frowned looking at Jesse, as he smiled. I shook my head sighing walking back to my desk, "We need to get my dad's 25% of shares for this project to continue. We need over 70% shares agreeing."

I had 45%, which only meant I needed another 30% to safely go ahead, Adrian would definitely give me his 10% share support. And there was not a doubt that most of the board of directors would agree, but my father still had a say. An important say.

"You know you could ask a particular someone else who also owns shares."

I frowned, no.

"I'll go tell Marge that no one is to disturb me, we can have a conference call with Mr. Oxton now. See if he's available." Jesse nodded opening up his laptop as I ducked downstairs.

"Stupid apple minestrone!"

I paused. Apple minestrone? That did sound stupid, why would you put apple in a soup. 

Confused I walked into the kitchen pausing at the sight before me, Margaret looked up, with a questioning glance. As a well as a certain statue turning around her brown eyes widening as they saw me.

Why did she look so surprised? Or were widened eyes a default look for her face. 

"Margaret take all calls for me, I have to run an errand." She nodded and casting a look at statue who was now somewhat glaring at me? At least her eyes moved in sizes. 

Did I do something?

Instead I walked back upstairs. 

"I want a thorough analysis of what the expected income and losses is. I want forecasts budgets for the next three years, and then ten." I walked to the bookshelf looking for the book, "A trend analysis should also put the directors at ease, what we predict and worst case scenario, what do you think Jes-," I stopped, "What are you doing Jesse."

Marriage by Business (Darius POV)Where stories live. Discover now