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When i removed this book from Radish - I lost everything. So I need to re-write it all, so please bear with any differences etc. 


"I don't like this one." I pushed aside the forecast, "The sales are predicted too high. Be more realistic. I don't think we can increase sales by forty per cent Jesse."

"But the market demand is increasing."

"No. Realistic."

Jesse nodded collecting his papers. "Alright. I'll work on it tonight." He said as he held back a yawn.

"You didn't get much sleep yesterday?"

"Stacey went on another date."

"Yesterday?" I asked confused, "Did she not have enough from the bad one" I frowned, I thought I warned her.

"No....her firefighting neighbour and her shared a pizza."

"So not really a date."

"Probably a date."

"So you were sulking." 


I dropped it, not that I wanted to get myself involved in their story, "There's not rush for the budgets, before our next meeting. I have the charity fundraiser tonight anyway." 

"Oh she coming?"


"The wife."

"I told Marge, it's up to her. Our parents would like her to come?"

"And you?" Jesse asked as he put everything away.

"It doesn't bother me." she wasn't feeling that great last night, so I wasn't going to force her to come. I mentioned it to Marge, I had to get the clothing organised. If she was coming, she was coming. I wasn't wasting thinking about it. But I would rather her not come and faint there or make someone else sick.

"Do you want to stay for lunch?"

"No...I'm going to go sleep." Jesse stood up and I nodded. "Alright."

"I'll see you later." He said as he failed to hold back this yawn. I nodded as he let himself out and I turned to look at the computer, food should be ready soon. 

I finished up the analysis I was doing before emailing it to Jesse and heading downstairs, I could smell that the food was prepared. 

"You outdid yourself again." I told Barry as I sat down, there was a range of dishes on the table.

Ivory was already sitting there, staring at something. Was she hungry? She should have started, her eyes were eating the fish alive. I cleared my throat.

She looked up, and then quickly grabbed a spoon shovelling something into her mouth. 

She must be hungry. Or really love seafood, or both.

I diverted my eyes looking at the plate before me. I cut into the Salmon wondering how long we had to be at this event for, surely just a few hours should be fine.

Just as I took my first mouthful Marge walked in, looking between us.

"Ivory, Charles has come. Would you like to go now or in a while?" Charles being our clothing tailor. 

Before I could say later, she rushed from the table, but she was hungry?

Marge rushed with her outside, leaving me alone to enjoy the food in piece, just like in the fast. 

Marriage by Business (Darius POV)Where stories live. Discover now