Three (Full)

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Time went by fast.

I waited patiently for my name to be called out, but the best and highest achievements were announced last and there was still a long way to go.

Which made the time go by slow.

"We're going to miss the flight." Jesse reminded form beside me. I glanced at my watch, "We can tell the pilot to delay take-off, but we should make it anyway." I knew we were going to make it, I had counted in delays before I planned the trip.

Jesse nodded leaning in his chair clearly getting a bit restless from the long speeches that were being made. I don't understand why someone would rattle for long, just get to the point and move on. It was much better to be a person of little words.

"Is Margaret going to be okay, she told you to be on time for lunch."

I shrugged taking my phone out of my pocket, "She can wait."

It took roughly a day for us to get from London to Melbourne, it was too hard to order me to come at a particular time. I would arrive when I arrive.

It wasn't like I was missing out on anything important back home anyway.

"Hey man!"

I looked up from my phone seeing a familiar person sit down next to me, "James," I nodded.

"You excited."


"Today's the last day, we get to all go home."

I nodded, James smiled shifting in his seat, "I'm pumped." he said and looked at the stage, and then at me, and back at the stage.

"Is that so?" I asked, he did seem a bit excited, his smile only broadening. "What are you so excited for?" I asked seeing that he clearly wanted to share it.

"I have someone special waiting back at home."

Well isn't that nice.

"I'm going to ask her to marry me."

"Oh well." I paused, Is that so?

"Good luck," I wasn't sure what exactly more I was meant to say. "What about you, no lucky woman at home for you?"

I started to shake my head and paused, oh wait

"I have a wife." the ring on my finger reminded me that every day.

It still felt weird, the cold metal against my finger. It felt weird when my finger was never used to such an item on it.

"Oh." there was a silence, before he smiled and slapped my back. "Well congrats man, you never told us."

I smiled, "Never came up."

"Bet you're excited to go home then," He said with a little wink.

Incredibly I thought dryly.

I never really thought about the circumstance at home, or how it would be like when I was back but now I wondered what it was like. Marge could fill me up, even though she called twice a week I never bothered to ask her what it was like.

I didn't think about it.

Was the house? Or was she with her parents? I put my phone back into my pocket.

I did know she was present for charity events, for the business, our business now, someone had to be in the limelight. I knew Marge was in control of her, I trusted Marge, however I did not trust my mum. I just hoped my mother stayed away from that place and her. I didn't like the thought of her being influenced by my mother.

At least the business side of things were easy and correct, because I kept an eye on those ones.

The paperwork was done, I had the rights on the Hiddleberg Enterprises like she did on the Quartz.

The partnership brought the company to the first spot, which was the most ideal situation. I wonder what her job was. Was she the CEO of that now? Or a manger, perhaps a director. Would she suit my business? Could she devote time to the business, did she manage it?


I looked at Jesse as he called for me. He nodded towards the stage, "That's you."


I hurried to my feet as everyone waited for me to receive by award.

* * *

My phone buzzed while I was boarding the jet and I paused seeing the familiar number, "Mr. Hiddleberg." I greeted.

"Darius! My man, how are you?"

"Excellent sir, and yourself?"

"Good good...listen, can you drop by my office before you go...home when you land?" he said distracted, I could hear voices in the background and they didn't seem happy.

I paused on the last step turning around, "Of course, is something the matter?"

"No, no, nothing urgent or important, I just want to talk to you about something."

I nodded to Jesse to tell the pilot to proceed, "Of course, I will be there around noon when I land."

"Excellent, first thing when you land. Safe journey." he held the line as I sat down and I wasn't sure he was going to say something else.

"What was it that you needed to talk to me about?" I asked.

"Oh nothing really,'s my daughter Darius. I want to talk to you about Ivory."

Marriage by Business (Darius POV)Where stories live. Discover now