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A dull thrum of pain slowly beat a rhythm into the inside of my skull. My leaden lids lifted, cracking the crusty remainder of tears and debris that had built up while my mind had been submerged in a heavily unconscious state.

The world burnt my retinas at the first attempt I took at reattaining my vision--the second time was no better. It was on the third time that the light managed not to overwhelm my brain, and I was able to distinguish various objects from the blurry image my brain was perceiving. 

I groaned and let my head thud to the floor, blossoming the pain even more. Slowly, my body began to awaken, a tingling sensations shooting down my nerves, fizzling out at my fingertips like electricity through an open circuit. 

Everything felt raw.

I could only feel the present, the hard concrete beneath my cheek, the way it scraped my knees and stung my flesh with its uneven texture. I felt the burn of the humid air around me, suffocating me in moisture. I felt a second away from drowning.

  The irritating way my hair stuck to my forehead, my cheek, my neck and my back; all slick with dew-ed sweat or dried perspiration. My nose inhaled and regretted it; the musky room was alive with mildew and something rotting, but it was the stink that ebbed off of me that was the most nauseating. It made me want to vomit, but the aching void that was my gut prevented anything rising anyway. 

Something thudded in the distance, but my ears were too muffled by the over-stimulation of my senses. Everything was buzzing, and the feel of a breeze against my ear was equivalent to that of a hurricane beating against a rickety door. 

I pressed my face into the concrete, dirt sticking to the saliva and spittle on my forehead and lips. I gasped as everything seemed to combust in my mind all at once. The taste of blood oozed into my mouth and I choked on a sob of surprise and guilt.

Why? Why was I tasting blood... this familiar blood. 

Had something happened to me?

I jerked up, jolted from my pain by the sound of a creaky metal door. The sound grated on my flesh and sent unpleasant shivers down my spine.

I snarled to myself, but it came out as a cracked, pitiful gurgle.

My eyes landed on the bright light entering the moldy room from the door. I couldn't see through the haze of blurred vision that was still overcast in my sight. It hurt to stare, and I had to look away and blink back the stingy tears from my wounded eyes.

"Ah, my little star is awake." 

Shivers of dread crawled up my spine like tiny demons, but I oddly couldn't tell why the voice had any affect on me. Something in my gut told me it was wrong. However it was was wrong. 

I felt a hand on the top of my head, stroking through my hair. It would've been a comforting gesture from my father or mother, however, feeling it while alone in a dark, musty room elicited a primal fear within me. I shied away from the hand with a whimper.

A man chuckled-- the man who had opened the door-- his laugh deep and anything but amused. A hand griped my upper arm and jerked me upwards suddenly, I shrieked as my arm twisted and bore the  brunt of my weight.

I was staring into the face of a man.

No, he was too god-like to be anything like a man. He was something divine; unholy, but divine.

A halo of pale ash-blonde hair framed his head like a mane, wavy and disorderly, but fierce.His skin was a pale olive shade, making the veins beneath his skin appear green.

His eyes were very hard and solid. They boasted little amusement, but they were beautiful. I couldn't tell if they were green, blue, or the colour of the ocean. However, beneath the sea of color they were violent, and swirling with such a ferocity that I nearly recoiled--if his mouth hadn't drawn in and smothered my lips. 

Something unfurled in my gut, like a match lightening in the solitude of a cave. It burned and then ran ablaze inside my body, traveling through every nervous cell in my body. I gasped against his mouth, and he gripped my hips, slamming them into mine with a content growl as he took the moment to explore my mouth with his. I growled my own pleasure into his mouth, my hips instinctively bucking into his. 

One of his hands fisted my hair, yanking it back so that he could trail his mouth down my neck, peppering it with hard kisses. Finally, he settled into one spot and began to suck on my flesh, electing goosebumps from the sensitive area. He nipped the skin possessively,with almost primal intent.

I moaned, my eyelids fluttering closed as I was doused in ecstasy. My crotch throbbed in anticipation, instinct within my body foreshadowing  what was to come.

Our tongues clashed, battled, and mine ruefully submitted. His hands clutched my rump as he ground his pelvis into mine. My body pulsed, throbbing with the thought of $ex.  And then I got the taste of something that made my stomach plummet and my head spin. Blood.

That familiar blood that had coated my mind when I had awoken. 

I recoiled and gagged, pulling away from the beautiful demon. My stomach attempted to push something, anything out of my gut, but all I managed to do was dry heave. 

A chuckle echoed behind me and I lifted my head; he was staring at me a smile on his lips. He shook his head, "I don't think I've been this hard since I scented my first female in heat after puberty." He made his point by pointing to the large bulge protruding from his slacks.

"But alas, now is not the time to consummate a bond.. No, that will have to wait." His grin turned into a malicious sneer. "Tomorrow is another day, My little Star." 

I watched him turn and stalk off towards the door, my mind still a blur of confusion and holes. I didn't even attempt to run to the door after him. I just sunk to my knees and lay my head on the floor, curling into a ball of twisted, intertwined emotion. 

I sobbed, my heart and head heavy with something I could not yet comprehend. 

Somehow I drifted off to sleep, tears and sweat still staining my body.

Hopefully, when I awoke, I'd be back in my bedroom, curled beneath my mother's quilt as she brought me soup from the kitchen. 

God, I really wanted soup..





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