the kill

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I didn't think, I just lunged. My hands unfurled like reaping talons as they ached to curl around his neck and squeeze the life from him. I was nearly there, my hands a few inches away from attaining their desire, and then a second later I was flying further away. 

I crashed into a cupboard, a low hiss bumbling from my mouth as I tried to shake the dizziness that accompanied my head rocking into the cupboard like a wrecking-ball. I looked up, my eyes meeting the dark-brown ones of Jazzmine as she squat in front of Valentin. 

I sneered at her and then brought my hateful gaze to Valentin's watery blue eyes. His lips twitched as he met my gaze, and I watched them curl into that annoyingly familiar smirk. Disgusting that I could even count it as something familiar. 

'Why the fuck are you here?' I spat, wiggling up from the ground.

He grinned, 'To prepare you to meet your new mate!' he laughed a high-pitched, nasally whinny. 'Excited to be made into a queen?"'he eyed me from head-to-toe quickly, 'However, I doubt becoming a king's brood mare could truly transform you from the bumpkin she-wolf you are.'

I sneered up at him, 'You're a piece of filth. I can't wait until I can sink my teeth into that thin neck of yours and taste your lifeblood dripping down my throat.'

He scoffed, 'Well please make sure you're wearing this while it happens! At least give me some sort of thrill.' His lips pulled up even further into some form of Cheshire grin as he began to laugh.

I looked down at myself, and immediately scowled, using my hands to cover up my modesty. Not that wolves had very much, but the thought of being naked in front of Valentin curdled my skin. I reached for the black towel on the ground; it must've come loose when Jazmine had blindsided me. 

'I'll make sure to make it worth your while.'I snarled, though most of the venom had been lost along with my decency. I looked up at Valentin. 'When am I to meet this monster?'

He leaned against he island, his hand scratching at his chin while he eyed me. 'A few days-- three at most.'

I swallowed, so soon? 

'And, what are his plans when he finally meets me?' I asked, my breath a little shaky.

'You'll just have to find out, Mincemeat.' He threw his head back in boorish laughter. 'Don't worry, he'll satisfy you fully; he's got a whole harem he has to keep up with now, imagine when you'll have to deal with him all alone!'

With that he strode from the room, his laughter echoing through the halls along with his fading footsteps. I really hated that man from the bottom of my soul.  I looked to Jazmine as I began to brush debris from the cupboard off of my shoulder. 

She crossed her dark arms and rolled her chocolate-y eyes at me. 'Wipe tha' look off ya' face, I can't jus' let ya attack Alpha.'

I sighed, 'Where's the rest of the pack anyway?' I found it strange I hadn't seen a soul other than Valentin and Jazmine ever since I'd been here.

She shrugged, 'Around, they were told to bugger off soon as ya got 'ere. Valentin didn't want none of 'em botherin' ya.'

I snorted, scooting around her to stalk towards the fridge. If I was to become a queen I'd better start acting like one and start taking whatever I want. 

The refrigeration was pristine, not a fingerprint to be seen on the cool stainless steel. I stroked the handle before I opened it. The doors opened like floodgates - releasing the mingled scents of all sorts of food. Saliva nearly pooled out of my mouth as my eyes roamed over all the food that was present inside. I dug in, my hands going for the bag of sandwich meat I spotted through the clear plastic of the crisper. I ripped open the package and fingered a few slices of smoked ham into my mouth, chewing loudly and without restraint. I swallowed mouthfuls, hardly chewing, until I had to hack some back up to re-chew and re-swallow it. 

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