In The Dark (4)

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Long ass story short? I made every last pun, joke, and sarcastic remark I could make at them. They got mad and threw me in a dorm, saying that I had to attend this stupid ass academy.

Luckily! I still have my little pupper pug, David, he'll be my roommate apparently. I don't know why, but I hope they don't turn him into some mutant animal hybrid thing, I swear to god I'll be mad as fuck if they do.

"So, what happened to you?" I ask David. His head lazily moves to look at me, something about my friend seems off but I don't know what it is. The dog has always been kinda weird, I'm only saying this because the dogs I've had have always ran away from me, barked at me, or tried to attack me. So to me, this is pretty new.

"Nothin'" he says with an attitude and turns his head back, I'm already irritated I don't need this little piece of flesh having an attitude with me. I want affection and attention, not an attitude and neck rolling.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything ya know." I say and walk toward him.

"Yes mommy, nothing happened." He answers me nonchalantly, with the hint of sadness in his voice. I would read him, but he's a dog so I can't exactly do that. Here's why; dogs have thicker layers of spiritual senses then any other animal except cats, so that means they're protected from being read. So that also means I can't read his mind.

"Alright, I won't try to open you up any longer." I smile and softly pat David's head. He responds my nuzzling into my hand happily, and then licking my palm calmly. I'm glad I have David, I really am, I'm so happy with just him in my life.

"ERYKAH!" Aaron yells my name and bursts through the door, covered in blood, sweat, and tears.

"Well, what the fuck do you want?" I reply with a clear attitude.

"Look, I'm sorry. I know you don't wanna be here and I'm gonna try to get you out okay?" He says cupping my face and rubbing whatever blood that is on his hands, on my cheeks.

"I mean, you can try?" I casually reply. I didn't have anything in the room that was mine, so I just grabbed David while Aaron pulled me out and ran. The academy is a big place and it almost takes half an hour to get where you want to be, I probably should have asked him if he had a plan but I don't think we're getting out of here successfully anyway.

He pulls me in all kinds of directions, left and right. I hit my face multiple times while trying to hold the sleeping David in my arm, I almost dropped him 6 times already and I was getting annoyed. I wonder why we're even running because I don't think we're being chased, but then again I didn't look behind myself to see if we were.

So then I do, and I see nothing. At first, then my vision adjusts. I see the vampire hunters after us, 8 of them. No wonder why Aaron is rushing to get us out of here, to bad we're gonna get fucking caught. Dumbass hasn't ate for months, but of course he's gonna keep running. At this point, I'm just being dragged along.

I should just halt and let this asshat get caught, as mean as it sounds. Yeah I know, I wanted to escape but I was gonna do that in my own time, so now, here I am. Aaron gets at the entrance only to find that it's blocked by other guards, this honestly only gets more and more funny as time goes by, Aaron's so pathetic at times it makes me laugh.

"You're trapped Aaron." One of the vampire dudes say. Aaron who's stubborn but yet running out of strength, sighs and releases my hand. He turns to look at me fully with sadness in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed. I tilted my head wondering what the fuck he's talking about, but before the words left my mouth. Aaron suddenly puts me in a headlock, trying to kill me. I squirm around trying to breathe, but unfortunately every time I struggle the grip gets tighter and I lose more air.

"DROP THE GIRL OR WE'LL KILL YOU." Said the hunter.

"NEVER." I knew that he was crazy, but I didn't know he was this crazy. I close my eyes and go limp, pretending to die. As soon as Aaron's grip loosens, I hit him in the stomach so he can release me, he does and I'm free. I start to cough and choke on the new air flowing through my lungs, my breathing goes back to normal.

"Look, im not joining you in your crazy ass plans Aaron. You wild and i ain't with that, now maybe, if you hadn't-"

"Excuse me? Miss can you hurry?" Ones of the hunters speak.

"One, don't interrupt me. Two, i would have if you didn't interrupt me. Three? Shut up." I say to the hunter harshly. "Now, as i was saying before i was rudely interrupted. If we hadn't broken up, maybe i would've agreed to leave with you. Maybe, i would've told that there was a fire escape we could've taken way before here. I don't know, maybe."

Aaron's body relaxed, his blood filled eyes returning to normal with only sadness as the hunters shove him to the ground with extreme force, his eyes staying connected to me the whole time.

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