Merely Anything (3)

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When I was younger, I never believed in ghosts, vampires, werewolves, ghouls. Those things, I never believed in. I always thought that those things are folklore, things that were just made to scare children out of their seats, so they could obey their parents. Of course when you don't believe in things, god has a way of proving you that, haha you're wrong.

I believed in love though, when I was younger all I ever wanted was to love and be loved in return. My mother died when I was eleven, it was tragic for me: for one, I was too young to understand death, I was super close with my mom and of course my dad, and I always thought it was just gonna be me and my mom going everywhere together. But when your expectations are high, sometimes purposely nothing ever comes out right.

I stopped believing in love after that, until I met Aaron. His beauty was outstanding, His personality was as gorgeous as he was. I met Aaron when I was fourteen, and he was still as gorgeous as ever. But when I turned sixteen all that shit went to hell of course, he told me for valentines day he had a surprise for me. He gave me a secretive red wine dinner (yeah I know what you're getting at, but over here it's legal to drink at that age) , out on the shore. It was beautiful, and peaceful. When I went to his house to stay over for the night, he bit me when I was asleep.

I woke up with blood pouring out of my eyes, making my eyes bloodshot for several days. My fangs grew in extremely long and thick, and whenever they came out it was painful. I couldn't eat around my family for days, after that. I told my dad a lie, I told him I'm leaving to go live with my aunt. He believed me, even though he called her and she told him that I wasn't. He understood I wanted freedom, but he also told me that I can come back and stay here whenever I wanted to.

My dad is very understanding. Me on the other hand? I wasn't. I broke up with Aaron and lived in his house, I told him I never wanted to be this way, blah blah blah. The normal teenage nagging. I got over it and we became like brother and sister, even though we are still in love with each other.

I woke up with my sight blinded still, Im handcuffed I think, and my legs are chained. I'm guessing I'm on a floor? Suddenly I can see, and I already wish I had my sight blinded again. I'm in front of the principal, vice principal, and the two guidance consolers. Of the vampire academy. I sigh.

"Never thought I would see you guys again, never wanted to actually." I smile.

"Erykah, you are a vampire correct?" The vice principal asked. His name is Dr.Narso.

"Don't want to be. But technically speaking, a fledgling."

"Who turned you?"

"Aaron Savin." I state plainly. I know, I know. Dick move. Dr. Nardo never showed his or her face, they wear a big ass coat and the only part of them you can see is their eyes, which might I mention? Are fucking white.

"Bring Savin here, I'd like to speak with him."

"Heh, see the thing is." I stand up. "I don't know where to find him, even if I did why would I tell you? Who are you? I don't even know your first name." Being sarcastic is bad with the counsel, you could die for being sarcastic but you know, they love me. Dr.Nardo sighs and stares at me in my eyes.

"Do you have feelings for Savin? Do you care about him?" He asks, I look down and breathe.

"I mean you already looked in my eyes, I shouldn't have to say it out loud for you to know." I say with a blank expression.

"Hm, interesting. I think it would break you more than anything if you were to find out what he really thinks of you." Dr.Nardo enjoys trying to test me but they know damn well I ace all my mother fucking tests.

"Honestly? I don't give a fuck, I already knows what he thinks of me. But I wonder what he does behind your back, that would make you think differently about him." I stare right back at him. "Your favorite lap dog, might just be against you. Who knows?" I smile

"Wouldn't you tell me? Fair exchange right?"

"Oh, whatever could you mean by exchange?"

"Do you know everything about yourself?"

"Nah, but who really does?"

"Do you want to?"

"What's with all these questions, my guy?" As I say that, Aaron busts in with his coat in a dark brown from dirt and his hair in a mess from sweat.

"What the fuck is goin-" Aaron stops mid speech and looks at me and Dr. Nardo with wide eyes.

"Yes, what is going on Savin?" Dr. Nardo questions Aaron.

"I can explain, but why is she in chains?" Aaron asks

"Yeah, why am I in chains? I can't kill you even if I wanted to which I don't. So what's the point? And what is going on here? Hm, Aaron?" I question. Aaron sighs and looks up.

"I turned her into a Vampire when she was 16, which was like two years ago. I did that because I wanted her to stay with me forever." Aaron admitted.

"We both know that's not the truth Savin, I will pull it out of you." Dr. Nardo looks at Aaron in his eyes. Aaron looks at me and smiles.

"Boy, don't smile at me. I will shoot you the middle finger if I could. Why you ain't tell big cock over there that I'm a vampire?" I growl.

"I thought he already knew!" Aaron exclaims.

"Lie one more time Savin." Dr.Nardo stands up. Man when he stands up its like looking at a fucking tall ass building.

"Ok ok ok, I was doing something for someone. But I can't remember their name, they wiped my memory CLEAN. I can't even remember how I remembered to turn her. They came to me in a dream, that's it. I SWEAR." Aaron sighed.

"Take him to his room. We'll deal with him later. Now on to, Ms. Erykah, how are you?" I watch as Aaron gets roughly dragged out of the room.

"I'm Kim Kardashian good, how about you?" I laugh, this is gonna be a long ass night.

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