You've Been Kidnapped

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Liam (5)

It all happened so fast one minute i was shopping with y/n the next she was gone, how could i let someone take my babygirl. Me and Y/n was going out weekly shopping at the supermarket, i got y/n out the trolley so she could go and get some sweet for being good this week, as she was choosing i girl came up to me and asked for a photo so of course i said yes and i cant tell you how much i regret saying that. In the time i took to take the photo so one took my babygirl.

"Liam it'll be okay we'll find her." Harry said hugging me "I need my babygirl back." I cried into his chest "We'll get her back soon baby i promise." he said lifting my chin and kissed me "i hope so." i whispered 

Its been about 4 days and me and the boys are out looking for y/n, we was walking down the street when i hurts some one scream we followed the sound to a house 

"I want my daddy." y/n screamed "Well your never going to your your daddy again im your daddy now you stupid brat." A mans voice shouted back "Thats y/n we need to get her." harry cried "haz we need to call the police before we can go in." Louis said holding him back from running in, Louis got out his phone to call the police when we heard a scram of pain,

Me and Harry looked at each other then ran into the house with Niall and Louis running after us we followed the screams to the basement, when we got there i opened the floor to see Zayn standing there holding y/n "Zayn what are you doing let go of my daughter." Harry cried "I cant do i should of been her dad with Liam but no he choose you." Zayn shouted "Zayn did you really think that kidnapping and hurting my daughter would make me fall in love with you? im sorry i really am but im in love with Harry and nothings going to change that." I said calmly "Well if i cant have you no one can." Zayn laughed as he pulled out a gun and pointed it at me "Any last words."He asked with a twisted smile "Only that i love Harry and Y/n with all my heart." i said with tears running down my face "Daddy." y/n cried "Shut up you stupid brat." Zayn shouted hitting her he then looked at me "bye Liam." He smiled as i closed my eyes i heard a BANG but i didnt feel any pain i heard shouting and a cry's.

I opened my eyes to see Harry punching Zayn over and over again and Louis crying holding a lifeless Niall, i quickly ran over to them and checked his pulse and i couldn't find one. I pulled Louis into my arms as Harry ran over he looked at me and i mouthed hes gone a few minutes later police and medics ran in. They handcuffed zayn and put him in the back of a police van while they put niall in a body-bag and took him to the hospital.

Its been a week since Niall got killed saving me, Zayn been sent to prison and he was told he'd never see the outside world again as for me and the boys we thought it would be best to end one direction it wouldn't be the same without Niall. I got my phone and logged onto twitter and was shocked to see all the different tweet from people and the trends.

@Real_Liam_Payne: I cant believe you did it Niall you give your life to save mine, I love you niall you was the first person i met at bootcamp and soon become my bestfriend, words can describe how much im going to miss your carefree self always laughing and joking Sleep tight buddy i'll see you and them golden gates and you better be waiting for me  #RipNiall #AngelHoran #TheAngelsNowGotHisWings 

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