He left you in the park part 2

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Louis (3)

It was about 7pm when Louis managed to get Freddie to sleep, he quickly but quietly walked out of the room and into the living room.

He was relaxed watching a game of football with Liam when his mum called.

"Hello?" He said answering the phone "hey boobear I was just checking up on you to make sure your okay". Johanna said "I'm doing fine mum I've just got Freddie to sleep now I'm relaxing on the sofa watching football". He replied "okay I've leave you to your football can I say goodnight to y/n before I go?" She asked wanting to hear her babygirls voice.

Hearing her name Louis heart dropped, ending the called to his mum, he ran out of the house leaving a shocked Liam not knowing what was going on, and started running to the park that he left 8 hours ago.

As he got there he started calling her name, not hearing anything Louis ran to the slide, and stopped dead in the tracks as he saw his baby sisters body laying there.

Dropping to his knees and put his finger to her neck trying to find a pulse. But quickly pulling his hand back after feeling how cold her skin was.

Louis sat there in shock as he saw his little sister being put into a body bag, he called an ambulance hoping they'll be able to saving even though he know she was gone.

A week later Louis was sitting in a court room waiting to find out if he was guilty of killing his little sister.

"Mr Tomlinson you have been found guilty for child endangerment leading to the death of y/n Tomlinson who was just 3 years old". The judge said with a look of disbelief.

"You will serve 14 years in prison with no bail and you'll lose all rights to your son Freddie Tomlinson take him away case dismissed ". The judge said then left the room as Louis was lead away be the police.

Louis had been quiet all day not saying a word but when he was laying on this bed in the prison it finally hit it, he was the reason that his little sister died scared and alone, he was the reason his son will grow up without a dad.

That's when Louis decided that it would be best to just end his life, he didn't deserve to live after what happened, he pulled out a small package of sleeping tablets and swallowed them being laying on his bed again and falling into darkness........

Waking up in a shock Louis looked around the room confused, until he released he was in his room, he jumped out of bed and ran to y/n's room where he found he asleep on her bed hugging her teddy.

Louis walked over and picked up his sleeping sisters body, he walked her into his room wanting her to be close to him tonight. "I love you babygirl never forget that". Louis said as he kissed her cheek and pulled her closer to him

After that really life like dream, Louis decided that he needed to make time for his sister before it was to late.

So that's what he'd done I'd only had Freddie for two weeks a month, and he'd be spending the other two weeks with y/n and they both couldn't be happier about that.

Sorry for the rubbish ending but I hope you like it xxxx

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