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"So you remember August Alsina about two weeks ago that night from the club?" Genesis says sitting down next to me on the couch


"Girl yes you do. He was literally sliding you hundred dollar bills."

"Oh. The dude who wears sunglasses at 11:30 at night." His light skin and pink lips come to mind

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes "He's getting real popular and he has a tour coming up and he's looking for dancers."

"Okay and-"

"Okay and you're a dancer."


"So you need to audition."

"Why don't you audition?"

"Dancing to you is like breathing, you been dancing your whole life. I on the other hand specialize in stripping. I don't know if that is for me. But for you its perfect. Just please tell me you'll audition."

I ignore her

"Please pretty please."


"I wouldn't be a good friend if I let you miss out on this opportunity."

She squeezes my hand and flashes me puppy dog eyes "Please?"


She claps her hands before wrapping me in a bear hug.

"Your routine is perfect. You're hands down one of the best dancers in Atlanta. Don't be nervous. "

She's been legit giving me this pep talk for five minutes.

"Im not nervous."

"Im going to be outside as soon as you text me and afterwards we're going to celebrate because you're definitely getting picked."

"You're right. This is just like a work routine. No problem."

We drive it to the community theater and I see about 15 girls walking towards the door.

"Looks like a-lot of competition already. " I say

"Cant compete where they don't compare, its almost six."

"Alright." I give her a hug "Wish me luck."

"I would but you don't need it."

I grab my duffel and walk towards the door.

I follow the signs down the hall to auditorium about a hundred plus girls fill the seats. I make my way towards the back. I see a judges table but no ones there yet there's only a dark skinned skinny girl with a clipboard there to greet us.

She hands me a number "Hi sign I'm at the table before you sit down." She says

I nod and do as told. Then I stick my number to my thigh.

I watch as all the other girls talk amongst each other and the dark skinned girl goes to close the door.

"Can i have everyones attention." She says in a loud voice "We appreciate you all coming out here. I am Ashley Petis I'm Augusts lead dancer and I will be leading auditions today. We have a limited number of spots and are looking for the best dancers. Everyone have your music in hand once your number is called and without further ado I'll let your judges come out."

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