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M i a

I open my eyes and recongnize the smell of bacon and pancakes.

I reach for Corie and when I don't fell him next to me I sit up. "Corie?"

I get up and stretch while making my way towards the bathroom. I pull my toothbrush out of my bag and brush my teeth lightly since I want to eat.

I finish and walk downstairs towards the kitchen.

"Cor-FOOD!" I run over to the kitchen counter. And sit on the stool. While Corie makes the bacon shirtless. I don't know which one I'm drooling over more Corie or bacon.

He finishes and sets some on a plate for me. He picks up his bacon. "Aye," he looks up "what?"

"Say grace." I smile

He drops it and grabs my hand. "Okay, Dear god thank you for providing me with food this morning and waking us up to see another day. Also thank you for bringing Mia into my life. I know she could either be a blessing or a lesson but I'll cherish her for as long as she's here," I blush "Amen."

"Amen." my phone rings Tina I roll my eyes and click Answer

"Good morning." she's says


"I need to speak to you after practice today."

"Uh okay, about?" I spread syryp over my pancakes

"You'll see when you get there."

I decide to drop it and just wait because I don't want to talk to her longer than I have to "Okay bye."

"By-" *call ended*

"Who was that?" Corie ask standing over me

"Tina why?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Oh." is all he says and walks back over to his plate

"What?" I start cutting up my pancake with a butter knife


"You sure?" I don't beileve nothing I think he thought it was August

He nods and I respond with okay and drop it.
I eat everything and change upstairs into my rehearsal clothes and put my hair into a ponytail. Corey changes into his usual joggers and sleeve less shirt. We leave at about 10.

"Want to get ice cream?" he asks backing out of the driveway

"Mmhm." I say nodding

"I just want to let you know. I'm not going anywhere I promise. I don't care what we are I just want to be in your life."

"It may not be my boyfriend but I can promise you a spot." I say flashing a slight small

"That's all I ask for."


After practice Tina calls me into her hotel room and August is there.


"Take a seat." she points next to August on a little couch I sit next to him "What's this?" I whisper he shrugs

"Soo I think you and August should end whatever it is you have going on."

I furrow my eyebrows "who are you to tell me who I can't date. Im a grown ass woman."

"Look. Yall both know this is going no where let's just quit whike we're ahead yeah?"

"How dare you? Last I checked you aren't the one signing my check." I scoff who the fuck does she think she is

"Im August's manager and last I checked that means I MANAGE him keyword. Manage."

"Nah. You manage his career not his personal life."

"You can either stay away from August or you will be leaving the tour."

"Are you serious right now? August?"

"Mia I signed a contract..."

"So you're just going to let her ruin what we have?"

"You know how I feel about you but-"

"It must not be much because you're letting me slip right from under you. Unbelievable." I storm out. Wow. So I'm guessing all that shit he said yesterday meant nothing.

How yall feeling right now?

I feel a hand grab my wrist and turn me around. Then I feel August's lips on mine.

"Won't let you get away that easy. I was just right to throw Tina off our trail."

A u g u s t

Got me fucked up. I ain't letting her go. But the only reason Tina is so concerned about me and Mia's is because I did something fucked up...

I fucked Tina a couple weeks after I hired her and Ash. Just Once and Tina just so happens to be Ashely's mom.. So the only logical explanations are Tina wants me and Ash together or she's jealous.

I was mad dumb for that but we agreed to forget about it.

G e n e s i s

I walk into Mia's room. " I got something to show you before you fucking run off again."

"What is it?"

I go to my gallery and scroll through looking for where the pictures of Ashely's journal are. "What the-"

"Genesis what is it?"

I know if I don't have proof Mia's not going to believe me it's no fucking use. "Oh nevermind..."

I leave. And make my way to Ashely's room knocking on the door. Nothing. I knock on the door again. Nothing. Then I stick the key in and it beeps open. I sneak in and lift up the pillow. It's not there. I look under the bed. And in her dresser. Not noticing the door beep open.

"You looking for this?"

I slowly turn around and Ashely's holding the black leather book up.



I don't do many cliffhangers but this needed one.

Vote please. ☺ thanks for all the votes and reads I've already received.

And I'm just preparing yall DON'T H8 ME FOR THIS NEXT CHAPTER PLZ. 😭

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