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We finally get off the plane after a long 5 hour flight to LA and make it to the hotel.

Ashely's already there since she flew in the day of the auditions. So she's there to greet us when we walk in.

"August." She jumps into his arms for a hug

August is taken aback but still wraps his arms around her.

She pulls away finally noticing the rest of us.

"Hey Trey, Chris, Mia." She says my name kind of weird but I ignore it while greeting her back

We all get our own rooms that are connected by a door of another tour mate. I have jet lag and all I want right now is a pillow.

I check my phone and reply to Genesis letting her know I made it safely before turning the lights off and knocking out.


I unpack a couple of outfits for the next couple of days and hang them in the closet while I wait for Ashley to come to my room.

Betcha' wondering why she's comin' to my room huh?

Knock knock

I walk over to the door letting her in.


"Hey August." she wraps me into another hug

"What's good Ash? How has the hotel been so far?" I ask trying to make small talk to butter her up so I can get what I want.

To be honest lil' mama kinda' dumb all I gotta do is throw some of those 'tired ass lines' hea' way and she suck's my dick. Just like that. Neva' would I eva' wanna' settle down wita' hoe like that. Son't get me wrong she ain't ugly...Just easy as fuck and she suck dick. But shit I aint complaining...

"-Yep so nothing much." I zoned out but finally come back into reality

"Thats what's up." I nod "You looking this pretty for me?" I move her hair behind her shoulder and grip on her thigh

She laughs "Baby you're so silly."

"Really though Im not going to front I've been stressed about our first performance even though its a small one. This is my first tour I want everything to go down without a hitch. Ya know?"

"What can I do to help you with all that stress?" she starts rubbing my leg

"I don't know. What can you do for me?" I question looking into her eyes

She gets down on her knees in front of me and unbuckles the belt on my jeans.

Misson accomplished.


Knock knock

I sit up in my bed rubbing my eyes

"Come in!" I groan

"Hey I picked you up some breakfast." A figure says walking over towards my bed

I slide on my glasses and I can finally see clearer.

"Trey? Breakfast? It's 6 in the afternoon." I raise an eyebrow gripping the brown bag

"No try 10 in the morning and manager wants me to let you and Ash know to be in the lobby at 11 to meet the car so y'all can practice choreo for our first performance in 3 days."

"No place Id rather be." I grab the food "Thanks why are you up so early?"

"Oh I went to work out earlier then stopped by McDonald's for some breakfast."

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