Chapter 1

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Six years later (Two days before dragonets escape from under the mountain)

"Ahh! They're coming! Run for your life!" Someone shouted, jumping on top of Terrin, who woke with an "Oof!" Terrin opened an eye to see his seven-year-old brother, Levi, who was curled up behind him.

"Who? What is it?" Terrin asked, unsure of what he was worried about.

"The dragons! They're almost here!" He yelled, snatching Terrin's covers and hiding under them.

Terrin's heart jumped. Dragons? Coming? They didn't normally attack unless someone stole treasure from one. That's how his clan was nearly all killed.

Eighteen years ago, the clan was attacked by two or so sand dragons who came after treasure three clan members stole. His father and mother were two of only seven who lived.

But this time dragons were coming after him as well.

And Terrin didn't want to be prey of those monsters!

He leapt out of his cot and looked around. Where was his sword again? Terrin's father taught him how to use a sword, but he never used one on a dragon. Aha! There it was, in the corner next to the doorway. Terrin took the weapon and examined its shine. It seemed sharp, but would it even penetrate scales?

Only one way to find out, he figured.

Terrin looked at Levi, whose face was barely visible under the pile of blankets he was under. "Stay here." He ordered, pointing to the ground with his finger.  Levi nodded timidly. Or was he laughing? It was hard to tell with all those blankets on him.

Terrin ignored that thought and stepped out of the door and into the hallway. He didn't hear any roars or people shouting, but for all he knew, the dragon could've not arrived yet.

Pointing his sword forward, Terrin cautiously stepped towards the doorway. If only his father was still here. However, Terrin knew his father was the general and needed to lead their army. He was currently in another stronghold on the other side of the continent, training the military there. He was due to finish training in a week, then return in one more.

What would he tell me now? Terrin wondered. Would he say "Charge forward and fight like a warrior?" Or "Point that weapon straighter?" It didn't matter; he wasn't here at the moment. Terrin had to trust his instincts.

Terrin opened the door, scanning the outside. No one was fighting. It seemed as peaceful as always.

What the? he thought, cocking his head.

"Roar!" Something shouted behind him, grabbing his shoulders and pulling him down to the ground, his face hitting the dirt. Terrin lost his grip on the sword as he frantically tried to stay calm. His heart was racing, adrenaline pumping through his veins. The beast had him on the ground its shadow covering the morning light. Terrin flipped around on his back to see...

...No dragon. Not even a wolf or any other dangerous animal. Instead, Levi was standing over him, smiling mischievously. "Gotcha!" He shouted, jumping on him.

After a minute of struggling, Terrin managed to drag his brother off of him. "Levi! Go back inside! The dragon, remember?"

"Don't you get it? There is no dragon!" Levi said. "I tricked you!" He then jumped back onto Terrin.

Terrin pushed his brother off easily the second time, pinning him to the ground. "You lied?" Terrin demanded, blood boiling. His brother cowered at his rage.

"Uh...yes?" Levi whimpered, looking a little more scared. "It was just to have fun!" He protested "I'm sorry."

Terrin glared at Levi, then burst out laughing, letting his brother go. "Th-that was pretty g-good!" He choked out in between chuckles. "You got me really good!"

Levi slowly stood up. "You're not mad?" He asked suspiciously.

"No, not really. It was a good joke." Terrin looked behind his brother, eyes widening. "What's that behind you!" he shouted, pointing.

Levi turned around quickly. "Hey, there's nothing tha-" He was knocked to the ground by Terrin before he could finish.

"How would you like to see how it feels to be tricked!" Terrin grinned, tickling his brother. The seven year old squealed with laughter, trying to pry Terrin's arms off of him.

"Stop! Please!!!" Levi sputtered.

Terrin stopped and backed away. "You're the best, you know," He said, hugging his little brother.

Levi embraced Terrin tighter. "I love you," He said with a huge smile.

"I love you, too," Terrin said.

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