Chapter 5

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[If anyone has any plot ideas, please share!

As the dragonets are on the arena spires watching arena fights. (Beginning of part 2 in "The Dragonet Prophesy")

He was dead.

The fall killed him.

Terrin knew it. could you know you were dead if you're...well...dead?

Terrin slowly opened one eye groaning.

"Whew! You're fine!" the voice said, but this time it was louder, as if they were next to him...

Terrin turned to his left to see a girl, about fifteen years old, kneeling next to him. Her hair was a dirty blonde, its length cut an inch below her shoulders. Her eyes were a light brown, visible in the dim light. 

She cocked her head slightly. "Is something wrong?" She asked. "You're just staring at me."

Terrin's gaze immediately looked away from her face, his own flushing red. "Huh? No, no. I'm fine...just...what happened?" he asked.

The girl smiled, leaning back a bit. "The idea you had about shaking the cages worked. But I think you got knocked out when your cage hit the floor. Both our cages were torn open when they fell. I managed to drag you out just before a dragon came in to see what made the noise."

"Wait...where are we then?"

"We're in a smaller cavern just next to the one we were trapped in. To them, it probably looks like a mousehole. It's too small for a dragon to get through. They really don't sound too happy out there." She added.

Terrrin listened just as a roar echoed through the cavern. "How do you know that it's because we're missing?" He asked.

"I don't. But the sounds started a bit after I dragged you here." The girl looked him in the eye. "By the way, the name's Nixibelle, but you can just call me Nixi." She held out her hand to shake it.

"I'm Terrin," The boy said to Nixi, taking her hand. He smiled a bit, glad to not be alone. He turned around when he heard another dragon bellow. "So, do you have any plan to get out?" He asked Nixi hopefully.

Nixi shook her head. "Not yet. But we've come this far, I'm not wanting to give up any time soon."

"Me neither, but I don't think there's a way out." Terrin admitted.

"Maybe not an easy way out." Nixi corrected, smiling. "But, trust me. There is a way out. We just need to look hard enough."

I wish I had her optimism, Terrin thought with wonder.

As if reading his mind, Nixi said, "It's not too hard to look on the bright side of things. Just think of the best thing in the situation you're in."

Terrin thought for a moment. "Well, we're not dead yet."

Nixi laughed. "Well, that's a start!"

"Seriously, we need a plan." Terrin said, slightly annoyed by her stalling.

"One of us can check to see if there's any dragons in the cavern." Nixi suggested. "Then we can come up with a plan."

Terrin nodded, slowly standing up and crept to the light coming from the bigger cavern. Peering out into it, the cavern seemed empty, it's silence ominous. The distant growls confirmed there was no dragon in the room.

"I think we're clear," Terrin said once he went back to Nixi.

"That's good." She said. "Now we need a plan to escape."

"What if we just run out?" Terrin offered.

"I don't know. We don't know how many are out there." Nixi said. "Hmm...what about using a distraction?" She asked. Before Terrin could reply, she shook her head "I dunno. Maybe that actually might not be a good idea then. We don't even have anything to distract them."

"No. It'll work." Terrin said after thinking for a moment. "We have a distraction."

Nixibelle sat up. "What is it?" She pressed.

Terrin looked her in the eye, Terrified at the idea. "Me."

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