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The wind blew softly through the valley, bringing in the cold wind of the North while the sun was barely vanishing into the horizon. Cedric was pacing right in front of the fort's main doors as the last search party of the day galloped into its safety.

The search party's captain dismounted his horse, paced up to him and gave a quick salute. "Sir."

"At ease, captain. What is your report?" Cedric said, although he was already certain of what the captain would say. There was no reason to believe that anything would change.

The captain lowered his arm. "I regret to inform you that my men haven't found anything about his whereabouts tonight." He hesitated, as if he was debating whether or not to apologize to Cedric for his lack of information, then nodded ruefully. "That's all we have to report."

Cedric managed to stifle a sigh. "Very well, captain. You and your men are dismissed for the evening."

The captain saluted once more, then motioned to the three other soldiers with him.

Cedric turned his attention to the guards at the main entrance. "Alright, let's close up for the night!" He called to the gatekeeper.

Cedric watched the patrol walk their horses in the direction of the stables, frowning to himself before heading towards his home.

The market had closed a few hours earlier and the courtyard was virtually abandoned, save for the armed soldiers scanning the skies for any threats of dragons. As he passed soldiers, they would turn to him and briefly salute, a gesture that was expected of any soldier towards their superior. Cedric was a man who lived strictly by the honor code of the clan and would always offer a salute in response. But tonight, he was too exhausted to even notice them, let alone return the motion.

Cedric went up to the door of where he lived, pausing for a moment in front of it. This was exactly where Terrin stood when he reported hearing dragon roars the night before he went missing. He rubbed his tired eyes with his palms, regret sinking in like it had every night since his disappearance. It would have been five days ago, he recalled.

Terrin, why the blazes did you have to investigate? He wanted to yell at the boy. What were you thinking, leaving the clan's walls by yourself, without anyone else?

None of this would have happened if you actually believed me, he could almost hear Terrin pointing out. That truth kept haunting him, creeping into his thoughts when he wasn't otherwise occupied with the search.

Cedric returned to reality when the click of the door unlatching penetrated his ears. It swung open gently, his wife's gentle gaze meeting his as she pulled the door open all the way. "You don't have to stand out here all night, Cedric." She said softly. "Please come in."

Cedric lifted his heavy feet to take him inside before she shut the door. "Well?" She asked.

Cedric shook his head. "Nothing," He said to his spouse as he down in a nearby chair, exhaling. He closed his eyes, taking a couple deep breaths. "I don't know what to do, Vessa," He whispered to her. "I feel completely hopeless..."

Vessa sat down next to him, taking his hand between hers. "You're being too harsh on yourself. You didn't mean for this to happen."

"It doesn't matter whether or not a tragedy occurs on purpose," He pointed out. "What matters is whether or not it happens."

Vessa was silent for a long while. "Levi is upstairs in bed," She commented, trying to change the subject. "He told me he's glad you're searching for Terrin."

Cedric opened his eyes and sat up. Levi, Terrin's younger brother, had been living with Cedric and Vessa since Terrin had gone missing. The young boy seemed to forgive Cedric when he himself could find no reason to forgive.

After another long pause of conversation, Vessa excused herself to bed, leaving Cedric to reflect in the dimly lit parlor alone.

Evandol will return in seven days he groaned to himself, leaning against the chair. He'll have more men to help search for Terrin. It wasn't a thought that he found much comfort in --Evandol would surely demote him as soon as he heard the news-- but at this stage of the search, he would give anything to bring Terrin back safely.

He didn't retire to bed that night. He was too exhausted to even think of climbing the staircase to his chambers. Cedric drifted to sleep in the chair he sat on.

The last thing he ever heard was the deafening roar of a dragon.

He was dead before he could open his eyes.

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