The day started out normal, or at least as normal as an exiled angel could hope for. Leia woke up from her reacting nightmare. Every night it plagued her dreams. She was in the dark and she wasn't alone. Fell things hid in the dark and whispered terrible things. That's when the holy oil ignited and lucifer stepped out of the shadows, but it wasn't the angel she remembered. This version was twisted and corrupt and he wanted to hurt her. Every night he said the same chilling words, now leia it's been a long time now hasn't it? He would ask as he picked up an angel blade. Leia would try to argue with lucifer and tell him that he didn't want to do this but every single night he would only laugh as he began tour torturing her. Leia refused to believe that the angel she had loved had turned into this, nothing but darkness.
Leia woke up in a cold sweat as she heard three distinct knocks on the door. She was wary, she never got visitors out in the cold and desolate Canadian north. She lived well off the beaten path, in a lone cabin by a small nameless lake. She climbed out of her queen size bed and tiptoed down the stairs. Upon reaching the door she drew her own angel blade, it was important to take precautions.
Slowly and hesitantly she opened the door.
" gabe? Balthazar? What are you doing here?" She asked. The dear in her voice ran clear and coated every syllable. She kept her angel blade up in defence.
" Leia, it's been a long time now hasn't it?" She flinched at the words that Balthazar spoke.
" what do you want?" She repeated her question.
" we want to help you, we come with information. Please let us in." Gabriel pleaded with puppy dog eyes.
" your not here to hurt me are you?" Leia asked still wary. She hadn't heard from her closest friends since she was cast out of heaven.
" no kitten, why would we ever do that?" Gabriel asked with his signature smirk.
Leia relaxed and opened the door so her guests could enter.
" uh, come sit. What news do you have for me?" Leia asked as she gestured to the beat up couch in the corner of her living room. She sat herself directly across from the brown couch on a leather chair that had definitely seen better days.
" are you positive you want to know, because if you do you won't just be able to ignore it." Balthazar spoke as he sat on the right side of the couch. Leia nodded as Gabriel sat on the left side of the couch.
" as of yesterday two hunters may have accidentally caused the end of the world. They opened Lucifers cage, Leia they let him out. The apocalypse has begun. " Gabriel spoke with a worried tone.
Leia was shocked when to say the least. Her soulmate was free and raining terror down on the planet. Both her best dreams and worst nightmares were coming true.
" what can I do to help?"
Authors note
Sorry for the short chapter, hopefully I can up it again this week. I want to give a special thanks to all of the readers, without you the story wouldn't be continuing.
Please remember to vote, it would mean the world to me.
Until next time,

Lucifer's angel
FanfictionI suck at descriptions but.....luci is my fav 😈 this takes place in season 5 and ends at the season 5 finale. Idk what else to say, lol.