Chapter 20

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"Why are we even listening to him, Dean? This is totally insane." Sam spoke as the brothers with the addition of Crowley walked through an abandoned house.

"I don't disagree." Dean spoke, voice gruff.

"One big happy family, are we, then? Fantastic." Crowley spoke, sarcasm evident.

"You ready to go?" Dean asked.

" Yes. Yes. I am. Sam, keep the home fires burning." Crowley shot back.

" What are you talking about?" Dean spoke, raisin his eyebrow.

" Sam's not coming. " Crowley announced.

" And why the hell not?" Sam spoke, obviously confused.

" Because I don't like you...I don't trust you...And -- oh, yes --You keep trying to kill me." Crowley spoke, raising his voice as he progressed.

" There's no damn way. This isn't gonna happen!" Sam spoke, fed up.

"  I'm not asking you, am I? 'cause you're not invited. I'm asking you." Crowley spoke, pointing at Dean. "What's it gonna be?" He scoffed. "gentlemen...Enjoy your last few sunsets."

" Wait. I'll go. What can I say? I believe the guy." Dean shrugged. Sam watched as Crowley and Dean drove off in the Impala.


Sam was on the phone, holding a bottle of whiskey. "And then Dean just walks..." He scoffed. Bobby on the other end, also drinking.

" ...Right out the door with Crowley." Sam finished.

"Well, look, Sam, I got no love for demons, and, yeah, this whole thing is crazy, but...I don't know. After a year of chasing up zilch, maybe it's time to go crazy." Bobby spoke.

Sam scoffed. "yeah, maybe. Hey, Bobby?" He sighed.

"Yeah?" Bobby answered.

"Uh...Remember that time you were possessed?" Sam spoke delicately.

" Yeah. Rings a bell." Bobby spoke, sarcasm evident.

"When Meg told you to kill Dean, you didn't. You took your body back." Sam spoke.

" Just long enough to shank myself, yeah." Bobby spoke.

"Well, how'd you do it? I mean, how'd you take back the wheel?" Sam spoke, obviously planning something.

"Why are you asking, Sam?" Bobby spoke, worried.

Sam took a swig from his bottle. "Say we can open the cage. Great. But then what? W-we just lead the devil to the edge and get him to jump in?"

"You got me." Bobby spoke.

" What if you guys lead the devil to the edge and I jump in?" Sam spoke softly.

"Sam." Bobby sighed.

"It'd be just like when you turned the knife around on yourself. One action -- just one leap." Sam spoke, pleading almost.

"Are you idjits trying to kill me?!" Bobby spoke, a hint of anger evident.

"Bobby --" Sam spoke softly.

"We just got done talking your brother off the ledge, and now you're lining up to say "yes"?" Bobby growled.

" It's not like that. I'm not gonna do it. Not unless we all agree. But I think we got to look at our options." Sam spoke, trying to convince him.

" This isn't an option, Sam." Bobby spoke, tone sharp.

" Why not?" Sam shot back.

" You can't do it. What I did was a million-to-one, and that was some pissant demon I was brain-wrestling. You're talking about taking back control from Satan himself." Bobby spoke bluntly.

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