Authors note

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Okay. I know, I know. I'm a terrible author because I never ever update.

I'm going to try my hardest to update this month. I promise you all this. There will be normally updates until the 12th of May, in which case I will be going on another hiatus.

The reason for this is actually very dear to my heart. One of my very close cousins is getting married, and I will be on vacation. However, it gets better than that. I get to meet the love of my life.

I've been in a long distance relationship since November, and man am I happier than ever. And finally, finally I get to meet him. We aren't sure how long he'll be staying, but I've taken off the entire month of June to play it safe.

But yeah, I'm going to work on steady updates until that hiatus. Here's to a better month.


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