Leia had decided she would join Gabriel in " icing the devil" as he called it. It pained her to betray lucifer but she knew in her heart it had to be done. Later that afternoon Gabriel came over to propose a plan.
" I have and idea." Gabriel announced as he sat on leia' sworn couch.
" spill." She said as she sat across from him.
" the winchesters." Gabriel announced.
" the who nows? " Leia asked, she was confused on how some people would be enough to help them stop lucifer.
" Michael and Lucifer's true vessels." Gabriel explained.
" if we team up with them we may be able to stop him together. You should meet them." Gabriel explained.
" if you think they can help." Leia shrugged.
" plus there is someone else you should meet, she will be coming with us to meet the winchesters. " Gabriel suddenly blushed a faint pink.
" what? Is she your girlfriend?" Leia joked.
" kinda, actually her name is Kat. You would like her." Gabriel explained while fiddling with a ring on his finger.
" you didn't marry a mortal did you gabe? " Leia asked while laughing.
" so what? I was drunk.... It was comicon." Gabriel shrugged his shoulders while Leia started laughing.
" so when do I get to meet the wife?" Leia asked.
" tomorrow. We are meeting the winchesters at a hotel of sorts. All of the gods and goddesses are meeting their to decide the fate of the apocalypse. You can come with me. After all many of them know you as Asteria* and many know me as Loki. It will be easy enough to sneak in without them finding out we are angels and all." Gabriel explained.
" I haven't been called Asteria in years, I'm surprised you still remember me by it." Leia laughed.
" hopefully it goes well tomorrow, I don't see why it wouldn't. Except for the fact that the winchesters hate me and would probably kill me on sight." Gabriel shrugged.
" gabe, what did you do?" Leia laughed.
" I may or may not have killed one of them over a hundred times. " Gabriel confessed.
" why?" Leia asked in the middle of a laughing fit.
" they tried to kill me! Plus it was kinda funny." Gabriel confessed.
" you should get some rest, you've had a hard couple of days. I'm going to beat him for this, honestly you deserve so much more than him. " Gabriel spoke softly as he stood up.
" thanks." Leia whispered as tears began rolling down her face. Gabriel just opened his arms, inviting her in for a hug which she gladly took.
" I don't know where I would be without you." Leia confessed as angry tears rolled down her face and onto Gabriel's shirt.
Tomorrow would be the first step in defeating lucifer and Leia wasn't sure if she was ready.
Authors note
Here's another chapter it's kinda short but whatever.
@katelyn_hufflepuff 's character was briefly mentioned in this chapter and will play a big role in the next chapter.
Anyways Asteria is the Greek goddess of the stars and the last immortal to live with man, I though that would be kinda fitting.
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Lucifer's angel
FanfictionI suck at descriptions but.....luci is my fav 😈 this takes place in season 5 and ends at the season 5 finale. Idk what else to say, lol.