Chapter 18

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" I'm just glad we got something to offer people." The first doctor spoke.

"Well, I'm sorry. It's a load of crap -- pure profit-driven crap." Their co-worker explained.

" Well, swine flu --it's an epidemic." The first shrugged. 

"Yeah, well, if Niveus was really worried about the epidemic, they'd be giving the vaccine out for free. This supposed new formula?" The second rose their eyebrow.

" Well, they say it's faster-acting." The first retorted.

" Maybe it is, but human trials this week?" The second doctor was sceptical.

"Yeah, it does seem a little rushed." The first saids simply.

"A little rushed? Have you even seen the new vaccine? No. Yeah. Neither have I." The second spoke quickly.

" I have." The janitor spoke.

" Who the hell are you?" The second Doctor raised his voice.

"I'm running the experiment." The janitor spoke as he stabbed a syringe into the doctor.

"Oh!" The doctor exclaimed, sinking to the ground.

"What the hell?!" The other Doctor spoke, backing away slowly.

The janitor stepped forward and easily knocked the doctor to the ground.

" Relax. You're part of it, too." The janitor spoke.

The janitor picked the doctor up by his lab coat and locked him in a room with his co-worker.

"Hey! You open this door!" The doctor screamed, pounding on the door.

The second Doctor got to his feet. His eyes were blood red as he lunged for the first doctor.

"Aah! Aah! Get off of me! God, no! Get off! Aah!" The doctor screamed, eventually falling silent.

"Well, looks like it works." The janitor spoke before walking away.

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